CITY OF NEW SHOREHAM | Block Island Instances

The City of New Shoreham is proposing to increase its property tax levy to $ 11,330,036 in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The property tax levy for this year is $ 10,697,375. The fiscal year

The 2021 and 2022 tax levies excluded motor vehicle excise tax in order to determine the growth of the tax levy under applicable law. This is a proposed 5.91% increase.

It has been estimated that the proposed increase in property tax revenue will result in a property tax rate of $ 6.68 per $ 1,000 of assessed valuation, compared to the current property tax rate of $ 6.36 per $ 1,000 of assessed valuation.

The provisional automobile levy for fiscal year 2021-2022 includes automobile taxes at an unchanged rate of $ 9.75 per $ 1,000 of the estimated valuation, including the amount exempted by state automobile excise tax exemption up to $ 5,000 is provided.

In the coming fiscal year, a property tax rate of $ 6.56 would be required to increase the maximum levy authorized under Section 44-5-2 of General Laws.

The New Shoreham City budget will be honored on Monday, May 3, 2021 at Block Island School, High Street, Block Island, RI.

The property tax estimates above were calculated in a manner approved by the Rhode Island Department of Treasury.

Andre Boudreau

First overseer

City of New Shoreham

EXPENDITURE CURRENT BUDGET FY 2021 Proposed budget for fiscal 2022
1. ADMINISTRATION $ 1,430,619 $ 1,578,393
2. FINANCE 404.837 552,555
3. FIRE / RESCUE / EMERGENCY MGMT 310,882 349.081
4. POLICE 1,128,350 1,153,698
5. MOTORWAYS / MAINTENANCE 943,594 992,322
6. PORT 582.709 627,410
7. BUILDING 300.204 266,402
8. RECREATION 374.077 440,539
9. LIBRARY 516,458 560.907
10. GIS / TECHNOLOGY 327,480 424.685
11. BOARDS v COMMISSIONS 192.663 210, 189
12. COMMUNITY SUPPORT 694.269 764.494
13. SCHOOL SUPPORT 5,172,384 5,272,797
14. CAPITAL BUDGET 543,000 665,000
15. DEBT SERVICE 2,394,683 2,701,658
TOTAL $ 15,316,210 $ 16,560,130
1. LOCAL PROPERTY $ 10,969,734 $ 11,665,347
2. LOCAL NON-OWNERSHIP 447.215 533,350
3. OTHER CITY CHARGES / INCOME 1,692,450 2,099,420
4. STATE AID 991.364 1,322,736
5. RESERVES / TRANSFERRED TO 1,215,447 939.277
TOTAL $ 15,316,210 $ 16,560,130

CERTIFICATION: This is to certify that the information contained in this report is correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Andre Boudreau
First overseer
City of New Shoreham

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