EU Fee Points Draft DEBRA Directive Offering A Debt-equity Bias Discount Allowance – Tax Authorities

On 11 May 2022, the EU Commission issued a draft directive proposing

a debt-equity bias reduction allowance (the “DEBRA

“). The DEBRA Proposal lays down rules (i) to

provide, under certain conditions, for the tax deductibility of

notional interest on increases in equity and (ii) to limit the tax

deductibility of exceeding borrowing costs. It applies to all

taxpayers that are subject to corporate income tax in one or more

Member States, except for financial undertakings.

The DEBRA Proposal would have to be implemented and applied by

Member States from 1 January 2024, and is expected to have a

significant impact on EU corporate taxpayers.


The DEBRA Proposal is a follow-up to the EU Communication on Business Taxation

for the 21st Century of May 2021, which

sets out a long-term vision to provide a fair and sustainable

business environment and EU tax system, as well as targeted

measures to promote productive investment and entrepreneurship and

ensure effective taxation. DEBRA is one of those measures.

More details on the context can be

found here_

Summary of the proposed rules

The DEBRA Proposal includes two separate measures that apply

independently: (i) an equity allowance and (ii) a limit on interest



The DEBRA Proposal applies to all taxpayers subject to corporate

income tax in one or more Member States.

It does not apply to financial undertakings, such as credit

institutions, investment firms, AIFs, AIFMs, UCITS, UCITS

management companies, insurance and reinsurance undertakings,

pension institutions, securitisation vehicles (covered by

Regulation (EU) No 2017/2402) and crypto-asset service


Equity allowance

The equity allowance is computed by multiplying the allowance

base by the relevant notional interest rate.

The allowance base is the difference between net equity at the

end of the tax year and net equity at the end of the previous tax

year. Equity includes the paid-up capital, share premium accounts,

reserves and profits or losses carried forward. Net equity is the

difference between a taxpayer’s equity and the sum of the tax

value of its participation in the capital of associated enterprises

(broadly requiring a 25% participation) and of its own shares.

According to the explanatory memorandum of the DEBRA Proposal, this

definition is meant to prevent cascading the allowance through


The notional interest rate is the 10-year risk-free interest

rate for the relevant currency increased by a risk premium of 1%

(1.5% for SMEs). The Commission will have the power to modify the

risk premium rate under specific conditions by adopting delegated


The allowance is granted for ten years, i.e. it will be

deductible in the year it was incurred and in the next successive

nine years.

If the allowance base of a taxpayer that has already benefitted

from an equity allowance is negative in a given tax period (equity

decrease), a proportionate amount will become taxable for ten

consecutive tax periods, up to the total increase of net equity for

which the allowance has been obtained, unless the taxpayer provides

evidence that this is due to losses incurred during the tax period

or due to a legal obligation.

The allowance deduction is capped at 30% of the taxpayer’s

EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and

amortisation) for each tax year.

A taxpayer will be able to carry forward, without time

limitation, the part of the equity allowance that could not be

deducted in a tax year due to insufficient taxable profit.

In addition, the taxpayer will be able to carry forward, for up

to five years, unused allowance capacity (where the equity

allowance does not reach the 30% maximum mentioned above).

Anti-abuse rules

The allowance base will not include equity increases that result

from any of the following transactions:

– Intra-group loans, intra-group transfers of participations or

existing business activities and cash contributions from a person

resident in a jurisdiction that does not exchange information with

the taxpayer’s Member State. This anti-abuse measure addresses

abusive schemes that would cascade the allowance within a group,

and will not apply where the transaction was carried out for valid

commercial reasons and does not lead to a double deduction of the

equity allowance.

– Contributions in kind or investment in an asset, where the

asset is not necessary for the performance of the taxpayer’s

income-generating activity. This measure aims to prevent the

overvaluation of assets or purchase of luxury goods for the purpose

of increasing the allowance base.

– Reorganisation of a group that results in converting into new

equity the equity that already existed in the group before the


Limitation on interest deduction

The DEBRA Proposal provides for an interest limitation rule,

which would be applied in parallel with the existing interest

limitation rule provided for in Article 4 of Council Directive (EU)

2016/1164 (the “ATAD“). The rule in the

DEBRA Proposal would apply first, meaning that where the ATAD rule

produced a lower interest deduction allowance, the taxpayer would

be entitled to carry forward or back the difference in accordance

with Article 4 of ATAD.

Next steps

The DEBRA Proposal must now be unanimously agreed upon by Member

States in the Council.

As the rules would apply from 1 January 2024 (except for

Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Poland and Portugal, six Member

States with similar rules that would be granted a 10-year

grandfathering period), corporate taxpayers operating in the EU

have a relatively short time to assess the impact on their


These taxpayers should also bear in mind other initiatives that

the EU Commission has recently issued or intends to issue in the

coming months and years. Among others, these include the Unshell

Proposal and the Pillar II Proposal issued in December 2021 (see our Newsflash for details),

the presentation of a new initiative to respond to the challenges

linked to non-EU shell entities, another proposal requiring large

groups to publish their effective tax rates, and the new framework

for business taxation in the EU (BEFIT).

How can we help?

The Tax Law partners and your usual contacts at Arendt &

Medernach are at your disposal to further assess and advise on the

impact of the DEBRA Proposal on your operations.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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