Fairer taxes on Huge Tech may cowl value to vaccinate complete planet | Enterprise| Economic system and finance information from a German perspective | DW

G20 countries are losing out on as much as $32 billion (€26 billion) a year in tax revenue from the globe’s five biggest tech companies, according to a study released Thursday by the human rights group ActionAid. These funds would cover the costs of two full-dose vaccinations against COVID-19 for every human being on the planet, the nongovernmental organization says.

“What is striking about the figures we are coming up with is just the scale of it; that they are so big and that we are looking, also now in times of COVID-19, at what that money could have done for public purposes around the world,” ActionAid’s global tax policy and program manager, Anders Dahlbeck, told DW.

The international NGO analyzed available tax information on Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft — five of the world’s largest tech companies — to show potential revenue that could be generated by a tax regime which more accurately reflects these companies’ global economic presence. 

“At a time when governments are desperately looking for revenue to fund COVID-19 response expenses, not leveraging this potential tax resource is a missed opportunity,” the authors of the report wrote.

  • COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    A difficult mountain climb

    Medical staff who want to vaccinate the inhabitants of the mountainous regions of southeastern Turkey must be physically fit. Ensuring vaccinations in the mountain villages is particularly important, Dr. Zeynep Eralp told DW. “People often live close together, and an infection could spread quickly,” she said. Also, people don’t like going to hospitals, so “we have to go to them.”

  • Medical worker wearing a face mask walks past a small altar in the snow

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Through snow and ice

    Many elderly people can’t make the journey to a vaccination center. In the Maira Valley in the western Italian Alps, close to the border with France, doctors go from house to house to give residents older than 80 their COVID-19 shot. A blessing from the roadside Madonna is a bonus.

  • Woman wearing a face mask looks out of a plane window

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Flight to the remote north

    Carrying a single vial containing several doses of vaccine, this nurse is en route to Eagle, a town on the Yukon River in the US state of Alaska with fewer than 100 inhabitants. Indigenous people are prioritized in many immunization programs. Depending on where they live, the nearest health clinic can be far away.

  • A small white building in the mountains, with a man washing his hands as two people sit on chairs and watch

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Some need convincing

    Anselmo Tunubala washes his hands before vaccinating an elderly lady. Every day, the 49-year-old is out and about in the mountains of southwestern Colombia, telling people in the local language about the importance of a vaccination. He is a member of the Misak, many of whom are skeptical about vaccination because they tend to rely on traditional medicine and the guidance of religious leaders.

  • Men and women wearing face masks sit in white plastic chairs, holding cotton swabs to their left upper arm

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Hours of walking

    The men and women in the above photo walked up to four hours to get their coronavirus shot in the remote village of Nueva Colonia in central Mexico. They belong to the indigenous Wixarika people, perhaps better known under the name Huichol.

  • One person giving shot to another person, both in boats

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Holding steady

    For her shot, Olga Pimentel simply pulled up her boat next to that of the vaccination team. The community of Nossa Senhora do Livramento on the Rio Negro in Brazil can only be reached by river. “Beautiful! It hardly hurt,” the 72-year-old laughed and shouted, “Viva o SUS!” — “long live Brazil’s public health service!”

  • Small blue house, two people in the doorway

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Vaccination by candlelight

    For a long time, right-wing populist President Jair Bolsonaro campaigned against COVID-19 vaccinations in Brazil. But in the meantime, the campaign has taken off. Indigenous people and quilombolas, descendants of African slaves, were among the first to be vaccinated. Raimunda Nonata, 70, lives in a community without power so she got her shot by candlelight.

  • A dugout and a small boat on a lake

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Paddle over the lake

    After their vaccination, an elderly woman and her daughter paddle away from the island of Bwama, the largest in Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda. The government in the central African country is trying to supply remote areas with the vaccine.

  • White vehicle with red cross drives through flooded area, dry road ahead

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Rough terrain

    Another journey over the water — but his time, no boat. On the way to the village of Jari in Zimbabwe, this vaccination team had to navigate a flooded road. According to the African Union’s health agency, Africa CDC, fewer than 1% of the population in Zimbabwe has been fully vaccinated to date. Medical staff came first.

  • Three people kneeling in a room

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Welcome house call

    Japan may have huge, sprawling cities, but many people also live in small, isolated villages with only a few hundred inhabitants — like here, in Kitaaiki. Residents who can’t make it to the next city are happy to welcome the doctor and a vaccine at home.

  • Several men walk down a gangway to a boat

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Valuable goods

    Indonesia launched its vaccination campaign in January. From Banda Aceh, the medical team traveled via boat to remote islands. The vaccines in the cooler are so valuable that the team was accompanied by security personnel.

  • Women in saris crowd around a table

    COVID: Vaccinating people in the world’s most remote places

    Superspreader event?

    India has been hardest hit by the pandemic in recent weeks. In mid-March, medical personnel made their way to the village of Bahakajari on the Brahmaputra River, where a group of women registered for their COVID-19 shot. None wore face masks or kept a safe distance.

    Author: Uta Steinwehr

An outdated system

The report highlights how the rise of the digital economy has complicated corporate taxation practices. Most existing global tax rules were designed before the advent of the internet, the report says. A key difficulty posed by the digital economy is establishing where geographically a company’s profits should be taxed.

Big Tech companies like those examined in the report have users and customers all around the globe. But the structure of international corporate tax laws means that companies tend to pay taxes in the countries where they are headquartered. For most Big Tech companies, this means the global North, particularly in the United States.

Global tax frameworks have also spurred companies to seek out low-tax jurisdictions, such as Ireland or countries in the Caribbean. Tech companies often utilize legal loopholes that allow companies to book some of their profits there.

“Despite the fact that a lot of economic activity takes place in (countries in the Global South), it’s very hard for those countries to actually get any tax revenue out of these companies, based on the way that tax rules currently look,” said Dahlbeck.

Infographic: potential tax losses from the 5 biggest global tech companies

Calls for reform

In a step toward finding a better solution, ActionAid’s report calls on governments to introduce a global minimum tax rate. The group proposes a corporate minimum tax rate of at least 25% that would apply equally to a company’s domestic and overseas profits.

Countries would remain free to set their own domestic tax rates. But a global minimum rate would require companies paying a rate below 25% in a foreign jurisdiction to pay a top up in the country where they are headquartered in order to reach the global minimum rate. A company headquartered in the US might pay a rate lower than 25% on profits booked in Ireland, for example, but under the proposed rule would have to pay the difference in a top up tax charged at its home base. 

“It effectively takes away part of the incentive for companies to shift profits around because they would end up having to pay a top up tax anyway in their home jurisdiction,” says Dahlbeck.

Infographic: potential tax losses from 5 of the world's biggest tech players, in selected countries

Just the beginning

The report cautions that a global minimum tax rate is not a “silver bullet” for addressing the challenge of taxing the digital economy and raising additional tax revenue in developing countries.

“What it doesn’t do is change the distribution tax rates — meaning it doesn’t really change who has the right to tax a company’s income,” said Dahlbeck.

For this reason, ActionAid also calls for taxing rights to be based on where economic activity takes place, rather than where a company books their profits.

This could be achieved via a multilateral agreement, preferably negotiated via the United Nations, the group says. With a view to timeliness, however, ActionAid is calling on countries to introduce domestic tax measures to recoup funds needed to help with the COVID-19 pandemic recovery.

“Developing countries in particular, but also richer countries, need to act swiftly to ensure that companies in the digital economy pay their fair share of taxes in their jurisdictions,” the report says, “particularly in the context of the economic crisis triggered by COVID-19.”

Tax law and human rights

ActionAid, which works to improve human rights and especially women’s rights, sees corporate tax law reform as a necessary step in creating a more equitable global society. Women rely more on a well-functioning public sector than men do, explained Dahlbeck. He pointed to the fact that, without an alternative public offering, women are often left caring for children, the elderly and the sick — work that is typically not paid.

“We believe that a well-functioning public sector funded by tax revenue, rather than by increasing amounts of debt or reliance on foreign aid, is a sustainable way to guarantee women’s rights and human rights,” said Dahlbeck.

The report comes a day before G20 leaders meet in Rome for a health summit to discuss the coronavirus pandemic and future global health security. 

Last week, a European Union court overturned a European Commission ruling that would have seen online retailer Amazon pay $300 million in back taxes. In April, the US called for a global minimum tax rate and proposed raising its own corporate tax rate to 28%, up from 21%.  

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