Letters to the Editor: Could 7 | Letters to the Editor

Ducey vs. abortion, education

How can one comprehend the position Gov. Doug Ducey has taken on these two issues? The Republican Party espouses individual rights and yet Ducey decides for religious reasons (what about separation of church and state?) to impose his will on a woman’s right to choose. Then we have the other issue, education and it’s funding. Ducey says on one hand he wants to promote companies to move to Arizona. Yet he limits the funding for public education and in particular the funding for teachers’ salaries. Arizona is already near the bottom in terms of funds for education and teachers’ salaries, two key items that prospective companies consider carefully when deciding on an expansion or new location. So let’s see, he expects women who need the option of abortion to go out of state and that prospective new companies must bring their educated workforce from out of state. As Alfred E. Neuman use to say, “What, me worry?” Well, yes I do, for the sake of the Arizona and our future.

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Our legacy should motivate action

Re: the April 30 letter “Ukraine, drought are same problem.”

The letter writer hit the nail on the head, but was too limited in scope. We have been warned about two larger-scale events than the Ukraine war and the Southwest drought, which he discussed, for decades and done little to nothing. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring warned us about DDT and what careless use of chemicals was doing to the environment. While steps have been taken to protect our environment, more needs to be done. Warnings about the effects of global warming have been presented for decades. Even while it’s happening, those in charge do nothing for a short-term political and economic gain. These two global-changing events will produce catastrophes like none other. The resultant movement of peoples will dwarf our current problems—all because of stupidity and greed.

The lives of our grandchildren and those beyond will be significantly less than ours have been, even if we made significant changes today. Thinking about their lives should move us to action now.

Credit where credit is due

To this point in time, President Biden has done a good job in a difficult situation — strategically increasing the pressure on Vladimir Putin and maintaining the NATO alliance. When something is working, people often perceive the situation to not be as difficult to manage as it most likely is. It seems for some, that is the case with Biden and Ukraine.

Americans are distressed about the increase in the inflation rate, increases affecting all of us. This is also a difficult situation, but one that many economists say Biden has less control over than many people think.

I for one am not happy about the inflationary rate, but I am thankful a situation the president does have some control over — Ukraine — is slowly moving in a more positive direction. Dealing with a WWIII or something resembling an expanded conflict in Ukraine is not something we would want to test our ability to handle. President Biden deserves more credit for his efforts in Ukraine and less blame for the economy.

Steller on red-light cameras

Re: the May 1 article “Reconsidering red-light cameras.”

This morning, I read Tim Steller’s excellent opinion piece on bringing red-light cameras back to Tucson intersections.

I agree with him completely. I have seen too many close calls and have friends who have also had close calls with red-light runners, some egregiously late in running the red light. First, red-light cameras should be programmed to cite runners that are really late in the intersection. There is no need for millisecond infractions into the intersections. Perhaps give ½-second leeway. Second, having red-light cameras at the eight worst intersections works there, but we need the cameras at just about every major intersection in the city, and don’t forget Pima County in setting these up.

No on Prop. 411

The adage of truth being the first real casualty of war (including war on the poor) is substantiated by the proposed $750 million Prop. 411, a regressive sales tax hurting those who can least afford it, while the city of Tucson continues to provide millions in tax breaks for developers (their campaign contributors) through Government Property Lease Excise Tax (GPLET) and other programs. Proponents of 411 claim it will not raise taxes, but voters should not be fooled: a “no” vote will lower the sales taxes and provide relief for most residents.

Five years ago, City Manager Mike Ortega stated officials needed to “think hard about diversification of our revenue streams. We need to move beyond sales tax.” If the voters of Tucson keep acquiescing to such unreasonable demands the “hard thinking” may never start.

Vote NO on Proposition 411.

Red-light cameras

Re: the May 1 article “Reconsidering red-light cameras.”

I saw in Sunday’s paper that Tim Steller changed his line of thinking. When Tucson voted to remove the cameras, he was all for it. Now, it seems he has changed his mind. He is now saying that accidents, injuries and deaths have gone too high as a result of removing those cameras. Tim, I agree with you.

It seems that people think they have the right to run red lights. I’ve seen red-light runners right in front of TPD with no action taken. It’s not just young people doing it, blue-haired grannies are doing it, too. There is no accountability unless there is an accident. People who voted to remove the cameras said they were an invasion of privacy. No one has ever answered this question. What are you doing in your car while driving that you don’t want anyone to see?

I’m sure the victims, or their surviving family members, would like the cameras to go back up. Don’t just put up 10, put up 20.

Voting bills, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Re: the April 27 article “Arizona voters could decide a variety of voting methods.”

The 2020 election was the most secure election in history. Mail-in ballots were secure. Even Gov. Doug Ducey touted his long history of smooth mail-in voting in Arizona. So why do we need three bills to correct a non-existent problem? I figure if we had a safe election in 2020, we do not need these bills. I will probably be voting no. It seems this is an overkill agenda by one party. I lived in Colorado for 40 years and never saw this type of issue there. We had to pay for postage on our mail-in ballots if we didn’t drop them off at drop sites. Talk about a deterrent for voting. Arizona is lucky to have postage-paid mail-in ballots.

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