Overseas Tax Credit score Laws: Nexus As The New Credo – Capital Features Tax

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A U.S. taxpayer that is subject to income tax in both the U.S.

and a foreign country can reduce the amount of tax payable to the

U.S. by claiming a credit for foreign income taxes paid or accrued

to one or more foreign countries. The principle is simple:

taxpayers should not pay tax twice with regard to the same item of

income. The application of the principle is not so easy, requiring

a taxpayer to overcome several hurdles, including whether the tax

is creditable.

The Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) provides a credit

for two broad classes of tax. First, Code §901 allows a credit

for foreign taxes levied on “income, war profits, or excess

profits.” This is generally understood as the requirement that

the foreign tax be an “income tax.” Second, Code

§903 allows a credit for foreign taxes levied

“in-lieu-of” a tax on such items. An example is a gross

income tax imposed on nonresidents in connection with income not

attributable to a trade or business in the country, where residents

with a trade or business are generally taxed on realized net


A tax is generally creditable under Code §901 if it meets

the net gain requirement. The net gain requirement is met if the

foreign tax meets three tests:

  • The realization test
  • The gross receipts test
  • The net income test

The realization test broadly requires that the tax be imposed on

income when the income is realized.2 The gross receipts

test generally requires that the tax be imposed on gross receipts

or certain equivalents.3 The net income test requires

that the tax be imposed on net income (i.e., after recovery of

expenses through deductibility or amortization).4

New regulations were adopted at the end of 2021. This article

addresses some of the highlights.


The new regulations modify the net gain requirement by requiring

closer conformity to U.S. tax law, which is a recurring theme of

the new regulations, and add another criterion: the attribution

requirement.5 This had been known as the jurisdictional

nexus requirement in the proposed regulations but was renamed.

The effect is that some foreign taxes that were previously

viewed to be creditable under prior regulations may no longer be

creditable under the new regulations. The regulations take

particular aim at taxes imposed under destination-based criteria,

such as customers’ location. An example would be a digital

services tax that has become popular outside the U.S.

The components of the requirement differ depending on whether

the taxpayer is a resident of the foreign country. Foreign tax paid

by nonresidents of the foreign country meets the attribution

requirement if there is nexus based on one or more of the following

criteria: activities, sourcing rules, or property.

Attribution to Nonresidents

Activities-Based Nexus

Activities-based nexus requires that only gross receipts and

costs reasonably attributable to the nonresident’s activities

in the foreign country are included in the tax base.6

Such activities can include “functions, assets, and risks

located in the foreign country.” In general, attribution is

reasonable if it follows principles similar to those set out in

Code §864(c), which sets rules for determining effectively

connected income (“E.C.I.”). This means that gross

receipts cannot be taken into account as part of the tax base if

they are sourced based on the location of customers or users, or of

people from whom the nonresident makes purchases. This requirement

excludes rules that tax a taxpayer based on the activities of

another person, including a trade or business or permanent

establishment created by another person, unless that other person

is an agent for or a flow-through entity owned by the taxpayer. In

essence, this follows the holding in Miller v. Commr.,7

a case that held a foreign corporation did not have U.S.-source

income or effectively connected income when it was a subcontractor

of a U.S. related party having a contract with a U.S. customer and

all activities of the foreign corporation were performed outside

the U.S.

Source-Based Nexus

Source-based nexus is twofold.8 First, income that is

included based on source is limited to income sourced to the

foreign country. Second, the foreign country’s sourcing rules

must be similar to U.S. sourcing rules. In response to criticism,

the final regulations require reasonable similarity but not

complete conformity to U.S. sourcing rules for foreign persons.

Specific rules are provided for three types of income:

  • Income from services must be sourced to the place of

    performance, which cannot be based on the service recipient’s

  • Royalties must be sourced to the place of use or right to use

    the intangible property.
  • Income from sales of property is completely excluded from

    eligibility for source-based nexus. If a taxpayer wants a foreign

    tax credit for such income, the foreign tax rule must fit either

    activities-based or property-based nexus.

Property-Based Nexus

Property-based nexus is the only way to meet the attribution

requirement for a foreign tax imposed by a foreign country on

nonresidents based on the situs of property, including ownership in

a corporation or flow-through entity.9

Property-based nexus requires comparison to two provisions of

U.S. tax law. First, with regard to real property, creditable

foreign tax is limited to sums raised under rules similar to

F.I.R.P.T.A., which imposes U.S. tax on foreigners holding U.S.

real property. The second concerns tax incurred through disposition

of property other than shares in a corporation, but including

interests in a partnership, and based on the situs of property

other than real property. Creditable foreign tax is limited to sums

attributable to property that forms part of the business property

maintained by the nonresident in the foreign country, as determined

by rules similar to the E.C.I. rules under U.S. tax law.

Attribution to Residents

Wider latitude is provided for a foreign tax imposed on

residents of the foreign country imposing the tax. The foreign tax

on all of a resident taxpayer’s worldwide income will pass the

attribution requirement.10 However, the foreign tax

rules must require that income between the resident and affiliated

entities (i.e., income subject to transfer pricing rules) be

calculated under arm’s length principles. As with attribution

to nonresidents, the tax cannot take into account destination-based


Income Tax Treaties

Tax treaties sometimes override domestic law, and the final

regulations, to an extent, provide for that. If the article on

relief from double taxation in a tax treaty between the U.S. and

the foreign country treats a foreign tax as an income tax, that tax

will be considered an income tax. However, such relief is limited

to U.S. residents. A more limited form of relief is available to



Mr. A is a U.S. person who, through two tiers of flow-through

entities, owns and operates a resort in Spain. He does not reside

there. The resort is owned directly by a Spanish flow-through

entity, which is owned by a Danish flow-through entity. Mr. A

decides to sell the resort by selling all of his interests in the

Danish entity. The transaction results in the imposition of Spanish

capital gains tax at 19%, the rate for nonresidents, based on the

underlying real property being located in Spain. There is no Danish

tax liability.


1 See the I.R.S. website.

2 Treas. Reg. §1.901-2(b)(2)(i).

3 Treas. Reg. §1.901-2(b)(3).

4 Treas. Reg. §1.901-2(b)(4)(i).

5 T.D. 9959.

6 Treas. Reg. §1.901-2(b)(5)(i)(A).

7 T.C. Memo 1997-134, aff’d without pub. op., 166 F3d

1218 (9th Cir. 1998).

8 Treas. Reg. §1.901-2(b)(5)(i)(B).

9 Treas. Reg. §1.901-2(b)(5)(i)(C).

10 Treas. Reg. §1.901-2(b)(5)(ii).

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The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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