Syndicated Conservation Easements — Nationwide Information Protection And IRS Scrutiny Continues – Tax Authorities

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On May 2, 2022, the Wall Street Journal published two detailed

articles authored by Richard Rubin on the subject of syndicated

conservation easements: Conservation Tax-Break Deals Keep

Flowing Despite IRS Crackdown (WSJ 2022.05.02)

and How a Georgia Pine Farm Became a Significant Tax

Deduction (WJS 2022.05.02). In the first article, the

author notes that IRS data released in 2020 showed syndicated

easement deductions climbing from $6 billion in 2016 to $9.2

billion in 2018. And, the author quotes the head of the IRS’s

business and international division as stating, “We don’t

feel like we’ve seen the full impact of our (the IRS’s)

efforts just yet. . . . We view it as abusive and problematic, and

we will continue to throw significant enforcement tools” at

abusive syndicated conservation easement tax shelters.

In the second article, the author focuses on a specific 434-acre

pine-tree farm in Georgia and its dedication for conservation

purposes pursuant to a syndicated easement arrangement. The author

writes, “In 2020, some McGinnis family members sold off

three-fifths of the property for $310,000. By the end of 2021, the

. . . land had been sold again, this time to a business that raised

$10.7 million from investors in a land-conservation deal. That

transaction could yield its investors millions of dollars more in

tax deductions—as well as scrutiny from the Internal Revenue

Service.” Rubin writes that billions of dollars of tax revenue

are at stake in abusive syndicated conservation easement tax


As Freeman Law has reported, syndicated conservation easements

are #1 on the IRS’s Dirty Dozen list for 2021, which

notes: “In syndicated conservation easements promoters take a

provision of tax law for conservation easements and twist it

through using inflated appraisals of undeveloped land and

partnerships. These abusive arrangements are designed to game the

system and generate inflated and unwarranted tax deductions, often

by using inflated appraisals of undeveloped land and partnerships

devoid of a legitimate business purpose.”

Freeman Law has written extensively on the challenges of and

scrutiny received by conservation easements—syndicated and

otherwise. See, for example:

Freeman Law’s Tax Court in Brief: Oxbow Bend, LLC v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2022-23

(March 21, 2022); Pickens Decorative Stone, LLC v. Commissioner,

T.C. Memo. 2022-22 (March 17, 2022)

Freeman Law Senate Releases Report on Syndicated Conservation


Freeman Law Syndicated Conservation Easements (and Other Tax

Schemes) Beware

Freeman Law The Art of an IRS APA Defense: Conservation

Easements and Hewitt

Freeman Law Conservation Easement Deductions: A Primer on Key


Freeman Law Recent Tax Court Conservation Easement Decision

Demonstrates Continued IRS Enforcement Efforts and Penalty


The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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