Results of retrospective tax modifications in India – given Cairn and Vodafone – Tax

At the beginning of 2000 the trend in (direct) corporate taxes increased

identified as one of the largest sources of income in India.

The FDI regime was simplified and India opened up various sectors to it

foreign direct investment. Around the same time, India made India

Commitments to the WTO to rationalize indirect

Taxes. As a result, customs duties and excise taxes were added

considerably reduced. Reduced tax benefits through indirect

Taxes led to a further recognition of the benefits of corporate

direct taxes. Income of non-resident entities that

Contracts in India, attracted attention and there were corporate taxes

identified as a lucrative source of income. Quarrels soon began

from capital gains and taxable income related to

Cross-border transaction services. That's when

the retrospective trend changes – either directly or through

& # 39; Clarifications & # 39 ;, saw an increase.

In Ishikawajma-Harima Heavy Industries Ltd. vs. DIT1,

(2007) the Supreme Court of India dealt with the issue

Taxation of income from offshore services under

S.9 (1) (vii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (fees from technical

Services) and provisions to avoid double taxation

Agreement (DTAA) between India and Japan. Working out the principle

of the "territorial nexus," the Apex Court ruled that, if anything

No income generating business is done in India then

Income from such transactions is not taxable in India.

Ishikawajma was a non-resident company providing services to

Indian entity. The court spoke out against giving the term an expanded meaning

the words "income that is considered to be accrued or to be incurred in

India ". So if p.9 (1) (vii) covered a resident

Indian within its scope, a non-resident and services of a

Nonresident used in India is outside the jurisdiction of

this determination.

However, this judgment has been watered down as a statement

inserted in sec. 9 para. 2 EStG, also that

looking back from 1976. This statement

& # 39; clarified & # 39; that income in the form of interest, royalties and

Technical service fees are considered to be incurred or incurred in India

and this income is included in the total income of the

non-resident Indian whether the non-resident Indian is a

Residence or place of business or business relationship in India.

The pattern of subsequent amendments to tax regulations, moreover

of & # 39; Clarifications & # 39 ;, continuation and several judicial

Pronouncements were reversed or negated by constants

Changes. § 9 EStG itself was

subjected to numerous changes.

It is generally accepted that tax changes are constant

Articles of association lead to a negative perception among investors. Companies

require legal certainty when structuring investments,

especially if the investments are made in developing countries.

Although there is a preliminary ruling mechanism where the Assesse

can request a preliminary ruling on the proposed transaction, however

The regulation must also be treated with caution, as such a regulation

binding for the expert and limits the scope of the contestation of the


Ahead of a massive legal battle over India

With serious financial consequences came two crucial cross-border ones

Transactions. One, at Vodafone International Holding and the

others with Cairn UK Holding Limited. Both transactions involved

indirect transfer of Indian assets and has been affected by a change made

to the Finance Act, made retrospectively from 2012

Change had a huge financial impact on foreign companies

in question and thus led to extensive legal disputes within India

as well as before international forums.

Vodafone International Holdings

In 2007, Vodafone became International Holdings

(Vodafone) bought 100% of the shares in CGP Investments

(Holding) Ltd. (CGP), a Cayman-based company

Iceland for $ 11.1 billion. CGP was a wholly owned subsidiary of

Hutchison Telecommunications International Ltd.

(barn), which was also based on Cayman Island.

Through various companies that like CGP in countries

Mauritius controlled it 67% of Hutchison Essar Limited (Hutch

Essar), an Indian company. Due to the share transfer

Vodafone acquires CGP's subsidiaries, including Hutch Essar in

India. Vodafone also acquired telecommunications licenses to make mobile

Communication in India from November 1994. In September

In 2007, Vodafone received a preliminary notification from the Indian tax authorities

to clarify the reason why the tax was not withheld,

Installments to Hutch in connection with the above transfer of shares

as the said transaction of the transfer of shares in the CGP is a

Effects of indirect asset transfers in India. The legal problem

revealed whether the transfer of shares between two foreign

Company that transfer capital assets in India and amount

whether such a transaction is taxable in India?

The matter went to the Supreme Court and Vodafone

International Holdings BV v Union of India2, the Supreme Court

took the view that it was up to the court to determine the nature of the

Transaction and must consider the whole look

Transaction. The Court found that the main purpose in Vodafone

Share transfer was to transfer the shares of CGP and not

Transfer of rights to Hutch Essar in India.

The Supreme Court interpreted S.9 (1) (i) of the Income Tax Act.

Said section contains- "All income or

directly or indirectly, through or out

Doing business in India or through or from a property in

India, or through or from any asset or source of income in India,

or by transferring a financial position in

India ". The Court found that the words" immediate or

indirect "in Section 9 (1) (i) of the Act refer to income

and not the transfer of a capital asset. It stated that the application of the

Words "direct or indirect" referring to the transfer of a

Investment (Hutch Essar is an investment) "would

amount to a change in the content and scope of Section 9 (1) (i). The

The court considered the legislature's intention to be clear

since there is only the direct transfer of income within it

Area of ​​responsibility and non-indirect transfers. What was being considered was that

Selling stocks and not selling assets. Hutch Essar had one too

Present in India since 1994 and paying income tax


It was found that the tax is based on the source and the

Source is the place where the sale takes place and not the place where the

Product is derived or purchased. Hutch and Vodafone are

foreign companies, and sales took place outside India, so the

Source of income is outside India. The transaction was carried out

between two non-resident legal entities in a contract concluded abroad

India, where the consideration was also provided outside of India. It

it was determined that the sale of Hutch's CGP shares to Vodafone

Transfer of capital assets within the scope of § 2 Paragraph 14 of the

Income tax law and therefore not creditable under capital gains.

The claim made by the income tax department was thus


Finance Act 2012 – Amendment of Section 9 (1) (i) of the of

Income Tax Act, 1961

In 2012, as an obvious step in bypassing the Supreme

The court ruling in Vodafone was changed retrospectively

Section 9 (1) (i) of the Income Tax Act to apply it to

Transfer of shares by a non-resident in a registered company company

abroad if the share is (directly or indirectly) its

Value mainly from assets in India.

This hit the root of the entire case on which

Vodafone's claims were made prior to the proceedings in the

Supreme Court. Given the laws of the land itself, was law

changed, Vodafone has initiated arbitration proceedings before the Permanent Court

Court of Arbitration, Hague, on the grounds that the retrospective

Change violates fair and equitable treatment

promised under two separate bilateral investment contracts

(BIT) – The India-Netherlands BIT and India-UK BIT.

Recently the Indian government challenged the arbitration

Awarded an arbitration in the Singapore court on the grounds that taxation is not covered

under the treaty and is a sovereign right of the country.

Cairn UK Holdings Limited

The Vodafone ruling and the subsequent amendment to the section

9 (1) (i) of the Income Tax Act had an impact on several existing ones

cross-border transactions. According to Vodafone in 2015, the

Indian government imposed on Cairn UK Holdings Limited

(Cairn Great Britain), a draft tax bill of? 10,247

crores for an alleged capital gain from an internal company

Restructuring that took place in 2006.

Cairn UK, a UK registered company, had one

Subsidiary, namely Cairn India Holdings Limited (Cairn

), a Jersey incorporated company –

(Cairn jersey). Subsidiaries owned by Cairn Jersey in

India. In 2006, Cairn UK broadcast its entire

Cairn Jersey's stake in Cairn India. Then Cairn

India, sold about 30% of its shares in an initial public


In 2014, in view of the 2012 change, the income tax

found in India that the transfer of stake in

Cairn Jersey effected the transfer of business in 2006

in India and therefore changed with a view to retrospective

Income Tax Act, Cairn UK was subject to capital gains tax in

India. The Income Tax Office has a claim of Rs. 22,100 / –

Crore on Cairn.

Cairn initiated arbitration proceedings against India before the investor

State arbitration tribunal for dispute settlement in The Hague. Interesting,

India argued that the 2012 contested amendment

only a clarification on "indirect transfers"

and that there is no actual retrospective change in the

Statute. Cairn argued that the retrospective amendment was against the

UK-India bilateral investment contract with a standard clause

which obliges India to treat UK investments fairly

and just way. This argument was supported by the

Court and it was found that Section 9 (1) (i) of Income Tax

The law was fundamentally changed by the 2012 amendment. It was too

that India is bound by its contractual obligations that

India's liability arose due to the breach of

International law and the same was independent of constitutionality

the attacked provision in India.

In December 2020, the three-member arbitral tribunal met in

in favor of Cairn, finding that India is against fairness and

India-UK BIT equal treatment provision. The tribunal

India pledges to pay Cairn UK more than $ 1.2 billion

Making amends for Cairns' expropriation losses

continued efforts to enforce his investment in India in 2014

retroactive tax measures and non-treatment of the company

and its investments just and fair. 3

Reports were made in the months following the award of the award

that discussions about a possible agreement were held between the parties and

that India offered to waive 50% of the alleged tax liability

Cairn attributed according to Indian law. But all speculation

a possible agreement between the parties was brought to rest

when in May 2021 Cairn Energy Plc. Lawsuit filed in the US in

to enforce the award.

It is interesting that Cairn filed the lawsuit against Air

India. Cairn tried to force Air India and explain

as the "alter ego of the Indian government" because of that

wholly owned and largely controlled by the government of

India. It is argued that Air India is "legally"

indistinct from the state itself "and that it should be kept

jointly and severally for the amounts owed by Cairn

the Indian government.

Cairn wants to appeal to the judgment of the US Supreme Court

entitled First National City Bank NA v Banco Para El

Comercio Exterior de Cuba4 – better known as

Banec, where the court found that federal customary law

should fully determine the independent legal status of a legal person

owned by a foreign state. As soon as the court determines that it is a

Fall of the company veil being pierced while the Indian is being held

Government liable, Cairn would be legally entitled to apply

Attachment of Indian assets (such as aircraft, bank accounts etc.) in

the USA.

Cairn has also initiated proceedings against India in other cases

Jurisdictions around the world seeking recognition and enforcement

of the award. India has appealed the award


Role of BIT and Fair and Equitable Treatment clauses in such


The full text of the two awards in Cairn and

Vodafone, is not available to the author here. However from

available information can be determined to be a violation of the

Fair and Just Treatment Clause (hereinafter referred to as to)

FET) in the respective BIT, was a

important factor for holding in favor of investors. The

Dispute arises from retrospective changes made in

India and closes (so far) with the arbitral tribunal that the

retrospective change and the subsequent effects on the investor,

violate BIT – FET. Hence a brief understanding of

The interpretation of the FET clauses becomes relevant.

Bilateral Investment Agreements (BITs) impose obligations on the

Contracting country to treat the investment country "fairly"

and fair "way. FET clause that is otherwise a

harmless, mostly a vaguely worded contract term,

Found relevance in many recent cross-border disputes. These

Rule is often used in arbitration today

BITs. It is noteworthy that this clause has a 62% success rate

international dispute resolution. 5 Both Cairn and Vodafone are

Instances of the arbitral tribunal in favor of

Investor for violation of the FET clause.

The concept of fair and equitable treatment in relation to BIT is

nuanced. The FET clause is usually a broad provision in BITs.

The scope of the obligations imposed on the host country is also

not well defined. While "national treatment" and

Consider most-favored nation treatment

taking into account the circumstances of the host country is the FET clause

regardless of the local conditions in the host country and

well regardless of how it is related to. is treated

other investment countries. One school of thought states that FET

The government of the host country obliges the investing party with clauses

Country with "minimum standard" as required under required

Customary international law. The actual practice seems, however

indicate that it is asking something of the host government

about the required minimum international standards

Law. In contrast to the “minimum standards” obligations, FET is considered to be

The term does not come from customary international law. Still,

it is increasingly becoming a standard clause included in

international investment treaties. It is widely believed that

The FET clause was included with the aim of providing protection for

investing countries entering into treaties with developing countries


FET is not a specially defined concept. It has evolved

over a period of time along with international arbitration. While

there may be variations in the way FET clauses are formulated, some

common factors when it comes to hosting developing countries

Nations, include: –

Transparency and respect for legitimate trust, stability and

Consistency of legal and administrative decisions after due

Legal process and protection from arbitrariness and discrimination

Treatment. At first glance, these seem straightforward and

reasonable factors to consider when interpreting the FET. must be taken into account

Circumstances. Your interpretation by the arbitral tribunal

Courts can still be tipped in favor of developed investments

Country. The pressure of developing countries is increasing

strive for the same weighting of their respective sovereign rights

regulate and enact their laws. From the point of view of

The FET clause is just one aspect of developing countries

which is just a business investment deal. So while

interpreted by arbitral tribunals outside the host country, they

should not be used as a guarantee of business or profit for companies

Investments. In addition, they must never be used as

Tools to break into the host's regulatory framework

Country. The host country should be free to make changes

in its legal framework in accordance with its law and

socio-economic circumstances without being deterred by threats

narrow interpretation of such (FET) clauses. Further, even

the interpretation of FET by arbitral tribunals is not uniform.

In some cases, courts have tried the ELSI. apply

Standard6, the one special

high threshold; That is, the behavior of the host state must

"shock or surprise the judicial sense of the tribunal"

Decency & # 39 ;. Conversely, however, other courts have opted for it

a relatively low threshold by using only dictionaries

Definitions, while other tribunals tend to have one

subjective and ambiguous threshold that requires "treatment in such"

an unfair or arbitrary way that the treatment rises to the level

that is unacceptable from an international point of view. Of a

Perspective of the developing country, the last two thresholds

not only represent the increasingly pervasive nature of FETs

Obligation, but above all arbitration tribunals that are based on dangerous

Justification through the introduction of subjectively indefinite formulations, the

potentially serious gaps in the regulatory prospectuses of

Developing countries. Evidence of this unjustified development

could be derived from the empirical assessment of a commentator

who found that violations of the ELSI standard were found in

only 22 percent of the cases in which arbitrariness was accused,

whereas 75 percent of violations were found when courts

a lower threshold was applied.7 These results seem to confirm

the fear of many developing countries that as tribunals

strive to lower the threshold for determining arbitrariness,

there will be more violations and therefore greater potential for

Intervention in the regulatory framework of the host countries.

In S. D. Myers, Inc. v. Canada, (November 13, 2000)

The tribunal also found, among other things, that

"..Determination (whether there is one or not)

Violation of a FET-like clause) must in view of the high

Degree of reverence to which international law in general extends

the right of the domestic authorities to deal with matters within their

own limits.
The determination must also take time

Consideration of any specific rules of international law that

applicable to the case … "

What the author finds interesting here is that of

the perspective of the developing / host country, the arguments (from

Unpredictability, arbitrariness, inconsistency, discrimination

etc.), which are levied against the host by the investing countries

Countries that try their case in arbitration tribunals can

can also be brought against the arbitral tribunal by the host countries

Courts while they favor the FET clauses

the investors. Just as the investor has legitimate expectations

with regard to the legal framework in the host country, the

The host country also has a right to a fair, just,

uniform and non-discriminatory assessment standard, if

its national legal framework will be examined before

international forums.


Conflicting interests of both the investor and the host country

must be taken into account when determining tax disputes. To judge if there is

is a case of tax avoidance or legitimate tax planning. To

Balance, the government's legitimate expectation, theirs

Sovereignty in tax matters with that of the investor

Expectation of a stable tax policy. You can find the answer in

Exercise of sovereign rights in accordance with international law

& Practice and at the same time for transnational tribunals

concepts of international law fair, just and

consistent manner in resolving disputes when the parties

not assimilated.

Vodafone has initially properly demly

Jurisdiction of Indian courts and within their legal framework

led to the Supreme Court. The highest

The court ruled in his favor. However, it was after

this decision made by the Government of India retrospectively

Changes and used the legislature to get what the judiciary wanted

not allow. Even without the benefit of detailed submissions

was brought before the tribunal on behalf of India, it is clear that till

the law of the country at the time the retrospective change was made

Vodafone preferred. As Vodafone, the

international tribunal contested, including the

an act by the Indian government to make a material one

Change of law retrospectively, and then just name it

Clarification. In other words, Vodafone did not pose any challenges

applicable laws or regulations, but changing the

applicable law to his disadvantage. Noting that the top court of

which India held itself in favor of the investing society it would

Even the high ELSI standard is difficult to adhere to

in favor of India before an international forum. In the case of Cairn

The effects were also similar as the investment in India

before the date of the retrospective change. It's not unreasonable

that an investor accepts this regulation of host country laws

Country would be within the four corners of its legal framework,

which would even be protected by the courts in it. If the law

itself is changed that also retrospectively, it offsets and

upsets all of the investor's bonafide calculations.

A nation's tax system must be both secure and predictable.

The absence of either of these two conditions leads to discouragement

Investors influencing the host's overall economic growth


In the present context, the litigation began with taxes

Claims made by India against foreign investors have ended

drag India into lengthy litigation rather than international ones

Forums. When a sovereign state transacts with

foreign investors expect mutual benefits, however

the sovereign rights of the host country must be respected. However,

this must also be done with legitimate expectations of the company

Investors who only decide to invest after examining the feasibility

their investments based on the host's applicable laws



1st (2007)

3 SCC 481,


(2012) 6 SCC 613

3. Due to its 2012 mistake, India's Cairn

Hague challenge likely to fail, Hindustan Times, Jan.

March 2021

4,462 U.S.

611 (1983)

5.https: //


Pervasiveness_in_Light_of_Developing_Countries% 27_Concerns _-_ The_Case_for_Regulatory_Rebalancing


Elettronica Sicula SpA (ELSI) (United States of America v Italy),

IGH reports. 1989. The Chamber of the International Court of Justice of

Justice (I.C.J.) ruled in its judgment of July 20, 1989 that the

Demand for constant protection and security, as in

the FCN treaty between Italy and the United States was not a

Guarantee to a US investor that no interference

Circumstances would arise and that the request by an Italian

Government agency of an insolvent Italian company that is partially owned

of the US investor does not violate the regulation. Besides, it is

Wording of arbitrariness in international law rejected

mere illegality in domestic law, without more, equating with


7.https: //


_Light_of_Developing_Countries% 27_Concerns _-_ The_Case_for_Regulatory_Rebalancing

The content of this article is intended to be general

Instructions on the subject. Expert advice should be sought

about your particular circumstances.