Invoice C-208: Lengthy-Awaited Reduction For Household Companies And Intergenerational Transfers – Tax


Bill C-208: Long-Awaited Relief For Family Businesses And Intergenerational Transfers

28 June 2021

McLennan Ross LLP

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A change just made to the Income Tax Act

(“ITA“) will likely save families

significant taxes when transferring their family businesses to the

next generation.

Many families want to pass their business to the next

generation. However, currently, section 55 and 84.1 of the

Income Tax Act often apply to prevent tax-efficient

intergenerational transfers. It’s been a long-time complaint of

those holding qualified small business corporations, farming

corporations and fishing corporations that this was unfair —

that a transfer to a third party had better tax results than an

intergenerational transfer within the family.

Bill C-208 (“the

Bill“) aims to change that. The Bill recently

passed its third reading in the Senate and is expected to receive

Royal Assent shortly. It provides exceptions to section 55 and

section 84.1.

For background, section 55 deals with “butterfly”

reorganizations. This is when shareholders of a corporation seek to

divide the corporation’s assets between their respective

holding corporations. By utilizing a share redemption in the

reorganization, the transfer of assets could effectively be treated

as a tax-free intercorporate dividend under section 112. The

anti-avoidance rule in section 55 applies to most unrelated party

transactions and will convert the tax-free intercorporate dividend

into a capital gain instead.1 Section 55(5)(e) also deems siblings to

be unrelated persons, therefore making it difficult for parents to

divide the family corporate business between their children’s

(siblings) respective corporations.

Section 84.1 is an anti-avoidance rule related to the lifetime

capital gains exemption (“CGE“).2 An

individual/taxpayer disposing of qualified small business

corporation shares or shares in a qualified farming or fishing

corporation to a purchaser corporation can shield the resulting

capital gains tax with their CGE. The CGE is indexed each year,

being $892,218 currently. Those who operate qualified farming or

fishing corporations have a bumped-up CGE of $1,000,000. However,

section 84.1 will deem the transfer to non-arm’s length

purchaser corporation to be a dividend instead of a capital gain,

effectively preventing the application of the CGE for transfers to

a family member’s corporation.

In the Bill, section 55(5)(e) is amended to deem siblings to be

unrelated and dealing at arm’s length if the dividend was

“received or paid, as part of a transaction or event or a

series of transactions or events, by a corporation of which a share

of the capital stock is a qualified small business corporation

share or a share of the capital stock of a family farm or fishing

corporation”. This allows siblings to do an unrelated party

butterfly of a qualified small business corporation or qualified

farming or fishing corporation.

Section 84.1(2) is also amended deem the purchaser corporation

to be arm’s length if the purchaser corporation is controlled

by the taxpayer’s adult children or grandchildren and the

purchaser corporation does not dispose of the shares for at least

60 months. This would exclude it from the application of section

84.1 and the capital gains from the transfer could then be eligible

for the CGE, assuming it met all other criteria.3

While there are still lots of questions regarding how this

legislation will be applied and anticipation of some future

amendments, this Bill offers long-awaited relief for our clients

with family business corporations.


1. The

anti-avoidance rule applies to most unrelated party butterflies

because, unlike related party butterflies, an unrelated party

butterfly must meet several difficult criteria to be excluded from

the rule.


Section 110.6.

3. For

example, the shares disposed were in the capital of a qualified

small business corporation or qualified farming or fishing

corporation. See section 110.6 for other discrete


The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.


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