Computerized Tax Refunds: $125 funds might begin earlier than summer time

Residents of Indiana could be in a for a windfall before the summer starts. Indiana tax laws dictate that tax payers are eligible for an automatic refund when the state ends the fiscal year with a large enough budget surplus.

In December, 2022 the state reported that is had recorded a $3.9 billion surplus with the state’s governor Eric Jospeh Holcomb announcing that taxpayers could expect refunds in 2022.

Who is eligible for Automatic Tax Refunds?

According to the tax law any taxpayer who filed their 2020 taxes prior to January 3, 2022 qualifies for the cash rebate.

Around, 4.3 million Indiana residents will receive the $125 payment, which amounts to 85 percent of the state’s adult population.

Married couples who filed their returns jointly can expect a sum of $250.

Holcomb’s comments on the Automatic Tax Refunds

Governor Holcomb was delighted with the surplus, stating that the money set to go back to the tax payer is going back to where it belongs.

“I’m beyond thrilled that this spring and summer we are returning money back into the hands of Hoosier taxpayers, where it belongs,” Governor Holcomb said in a press statement

“Our conservative fiscal leadership and pro-growth policies makes this tax refund possible for all Hoosier households.”

When will the refunds go out?

Residents who provided their banking information on their tax returns and filed their 2021 taxes ahead of the deadline are set to receive direct deposits. These refunds will begin going out in May and continue through the summer.

Other Indiana residents can expect a paper check mailed to them either in July or August.

The governor’s office has stated that the goal is to send out all payments by September 1, 2022.

The states also states that the residents of Indiana do not need to take any action to receive the refund.

The refund is also in addition to and separate from any refund residents may receive after filing their 2021 state income tax returns.