Laws Made In Tax Legal guidelines With Regulation No. 7417 – Tax Authorities

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Some regulations have been made on some tax laws with


Law No. 7417 (In Turkish) and Law no: 375 published in the

Official Gazette dated 05.07.2022 and numbered 31887.

The summary of the regulations is as below:

1. The regulations on AATUHK No. 6183 (Law Regarding the

Collection of Public Receivables)

With the amendment made in Law No.

6183 (In Turkish), the indefinite letters of guarantee,

which are accepted as collateral and given by banks, would also

need to be unconditional.

In addition to bank letters of guarantee, indefinite and

unconditional bail bonds given by insurance companies will also be

accepted as letters of guarantee.

The regulation entered into force on 05.07.2022.

2. Amendment

on the Special Consumption Tax Law No. 4760 (In


For the Special Consumption Tax of the electric vehicles; if the

engine power does not exceed 160 KW and the SCT base does not

exceed 700,000 TRY, the tax rate would be 10%. If the engine power

exceeds 160 KW and the SCT tax base does not exceed 750,000 TRY,

the tax rate would be 50%. For the others the rate would be


The regulation entered into force on 05.07.2022.

3. Amendments made on the Turkish Commercial Law No.


The lawsuit filing duration has been increased to 30 days in

case of a loss of books and documents.

The regulation entered into force on 05.07.2022.

4. Amendments

on Corporate Tax Law no: 5520 (In Turkish)

  1. Cash Capital Increase Discount is limited to 5 accounting


The right to benefit from the reduction indefinitely due to the

cash capital increase has been limited to 5 accounting periods

which starts with the decision regarding the capital increase or

the accounting period in which the main contract was registered at

the initial set up stage.

In case of a capital decrease in the relevant periods, the

reduced capital amount would not be taken into account in the

discount calculation.

In addition, capital increases prior to 05.07.2022 would also be

limited to 5 years starting from 2022.

The regulation entered into force on 05.07.2022.

  1. Corporate Tax Rate Revised for Financial Institutions

The corporate tax rate of the financial institutions (banks,

electronic payment and money institutions, authorized foreign

exchange institutions, asset management companies, capital market

institutions, insurance and reinsurance companies and pension

companies) would be 25% on 2023 and the further periods.

  1. Tax Amnesty for Assets Arrangement Has Been Made
    • There are two methods as informative notification and

    • The information about the foreign assets would need to be given

      to the banks in Turkey to be able to benefit from these

      regulations. There is no need to submit tax return declaration to

      the tax office.
    • For the local assets, a tax return would need to be submitted

      to the tax office.
    • The deadline for these submissions

      is 31.03.2023.
    • For the foreign assets, cash, gold, foreign currency, movable

      assets and other capital market instruments would be subject to

      these regulations.
    • The immovable assets in foreign countries would not be subject

      to these regulations.
    • There would be no need to be a corporate taxpayer or income

      taxpayer to declare the assets in Turkey.
    • There would be no retrospective amendment made after the

      declaration deadline.

The regulation entered into force on 05.07.2022.

5. Amendments For the Tax Procedure Law No.


  1. Authorization regulation has been made regarding the real

    beneficiary notification and an irregularity penalty regulation has

    been made in case of violation of these regulations.

    The irregularity penalty would be the 3 times of the amount located

    on Tax

    Procedure Law (In Turkish) article 355/1 (10,200 TRY for


    The regulation entered into force on 01.08.2022.

  2. Amendments have been made on irregularity penalties

    In case of not giving or receiving invoices and similar documents

    and not complying with other form and procedure provisions, the

    irregularity penalties (minimum and maximum levels) have been



Amounts that were defined for 2022 with General Communique

No.534 of Tax Procedure Law

Amounts that were defined as of 01.08.2022 with the Act


1 – In case of not giving or receiving invoices, note of

expenses, producer receipt, self-employment invoice, including the

electronically issued documents, and presenting the different

values on the documents other than the actual, and issuing the

documents in paper format which were supposed to be issued

electronically therefore considering these documents never issued

in first place
– The total fine to be issued for each kind of document within

the calendar year
2 – In case of not issuing, keeping or using the retail sales

receipt, cash register receipt, admission and passenger tickets,

delivery note, transport waybill, passenger list, daily customer

list and the documents which were obligated by Ministry of Treasury

and Finance including the electronically issued documents, and

presenting the different values on the documents other than the

actual, misrepresentation of these documents, and issuing the

documents in paper format which were supposed to be issued

electronically therefore considering these documents never issued

in first place
– The total fine to be issued for each detection of document in

each kind within the calendar year
– The total fine to be issued for each kind of document within

the calendar year

The regulation entered into force on 01.08.2022.

You can reach the related Official Gazette via that 

link. (In Turkish)

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.


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