The Luxembourg tax authorities are issuing a round to restrict the quantity of curiosity deducted – taxes

On January 8, 2021, the Luxembourg tax authorities became

(LTA) provided eagerly awaited guidelines

in relation to the application of Article 168 bis of the Luxembourg income

Tax law (LITL), which was introduced in 2018

by transposing the EU directive into Luxembourg law

2016/1164 Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive 1.

According to Article 168 bis LITL, they are Luxembourg taxpayers

subject to restrictions on the interest deduction of

their taxable basis. The purpose of managing the LTA

Circular 168bis / 1 (the Circular) has to be clarified

some of the concepts and key aspects of this legislation,

through numerical examples.

As a reminder, in short, Article 168 bis LITL provides for this

Luxembourg fully taxable companies1 and Luxembourg permanent

Establishments of non-Luxembourg companies cannot withdraw

on their taxable basis, net borrowing costs exceed either

30% of their earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Amortization (EBITDA) or EUR 3 million. The circular

explains important points related to Article 168 bis LITL (Carry

before the credit costs are exceeded, unused interest capacity,

Exclusion of loans to finance public infrastructure

Projects, exclusion of independent and financial companies

Companies). Below is an analysis of some of the key issues

addressed in the circular.

Determination of the "net credit costs"

First of all, the taxpayer concerned has to determine his borrowing

Costs that cover interest expenses for all types of debt,

other economically equivalent costs and expenses in

Relationship to borrowing (Point a.).

Then the amount of taxable income or other economic

Equivalent realized by the taxpayer should be calculated

(Point B.).

The next step is to calculate the net cost of borrowing.

Which are the positive results of: Point A – Point B. This

A positive result is then subject to the limit values ​​mentioned above.

i.e. these net credit costs can be deducted from the

taxable profit of the company, however only up to the higher value of EUR

3 million or 30% of EBITDA.

And here is this administrative circular 168bis / 1 (das

Circular) comes into play: clarifying the


With regard to point A, the ADL first confirms that the

The final amount determined should exclude expenses or costs that

are not deductible according to other provisions of the LITL or the

Application of a double taxation agreement. As stated in the circular,

The following points would not be considered in the determination

the "credit costs":

  • Expenses re-qualified as hidden dividend payments
  • Costs that are economically associated with an exempted dividend

  • Expenses for which the deductibility is denied according to the

    Application of the anti-hybrid rules
  • Expenses for which deductibility must be asserted in another

    Place of jurisdiction in accordance with a double taxation agreement signed by Luxembourg

The rule is that an expense for point A cannot be taken into account, though

Their deductibility is not permitted regardless and without consideration

the application of Article 168bis LITL.

On the other hand, all costs that result from a transfer price

An adjustment would be taken into account when determining the items


With regard to point B, the circular confirms that the provision

of the relevant income follows in the sense of a symmetrical approach

that when an issue qualifies for point A in the hands of a payer,

The corresponding income counts as item B in the hands of a

Payee2. So there has to be consistency

for qualifying an amount paid by one company to another,

in terms of determining what constitutes the scope of

Point A and Point B.

The limitation thresholds

As stated in the law (see above), the withholding tax is the

The positive difference between point A and point B is then limited to

two thresholds: the higher of 30% of EBITDA

(Limit 1) or EUR 3 million (border


For the purposes of Limit 1, EBITDA equals the sum

The annual net income determined for tax purposes increased by the amount of

Net borrowing cost (that is, the positive amount that results from: Item

A – item B) and other costs or expenses incurred by the


Therefore, when determining the amount of "revenue",

an income that (i) is not taxable as Luxembourg

is exempt under a relevant double taxation agreement or (ii) under a

domestic provision (for example dividends that fall within the scope of

the participation exemption system) should be ignored and

deducted from tax EBITDA. Correlative are issues that are

in connection with such exempted "revenue" must be added

to total net income. All other income and expenses are in

generally lie within the scope of such a tax EBITDA.

Limit 1 and Limit 2 each apply for a specific year

Circular clarifies that they would apply in full without any

Adjustment or pro rata to a financial year that is less than 12 years old


The grandfather clause

A key element of Article 168bis is its timing. according to

Under the grandfathering clause, the bonds were concluded before June 17th

In 2016, the provisions of Article 168 to LITL remain unaffected

as far as they were not subject to any

"subsequent change". Interestingly, the circular

explains this and gives a non-exhaustive list of

relevant changes:

  • Loan maturity: such an event would

    is not considered a "subsequent change" unless

    it was contractually scheduled before June 17, 2016 and that no

    Consent from one party is required
  • Interest rate and method of determining such

    : such an event would not be considered a

    "subsequent change", if this was provided for

    contractually before June 17, 2016
  • Nominal amount: a change in the borrowed

    Amount after June 17, 2016 would be a "consequence

  • Use of borrowing funds: such

    Event would not be considered a "subsequent change"

    provided that it was contractually planned before June 17, 2016

    and within the limit of the facility amount
  • Identity of the borrower or lender: such event

    would not be considered a "subsequent change"

    that (i) it was contractually provided before June 17, 2016 or

    (ii) it results from a restructuring (merger, split, …)
  • incoming transfer of the registered office or the head office

    Management of one of the parties involved in the borrowing according to 17

    June 2016
    : Such an event would not be a "follow-up event"

    Change "provided that the other terms of the

    Loan changed (see above)

The circular states that in the event of a "modified"

Borrowing (after June 17, 2016), the interest cap rules

Article 168 bis LITL would only cover provisions of the

The loan has been changed and not adapted to the original features

(and relevant financial consequences) of borrowing as they were

before June 17, 2016.


1 Other than financial or stand-alone companies

Entities within the meaning of Article 168bis LITL.

2. This would explain why the deduction of provisions for

Bad debts are not covered by the limitation in Article 168


The content of this article is intended to provide a general overview

Guide to the subject. Expert advice should be obtained

about your particular circumstances.