Fraudulent funding plans for blockchain or cryptocurrency know-how

Blockchain or Cryptocurrency Fraud – Cryptocurrency Fraud

Investment plans

The advent of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies has

led to sudden happiness for more than a few people. In the

At the same time the technology and economy of the cryptocurrency space

are confusing and not well understood by the public. This

creates an opportunity for scammers to take advantage of the public with one

Path to riches whose credibility is difficult to assess.

Aside from downright scams, our customers have also informed us about it

Companies that are active in the field of cryptocurrency have

improperly solicited funds based on Canadian income tax or

Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Requirements. In addition to

Scam, cryptocurrency investors need to be aware that the

Businesses they deal with may or may not understand Canadian taxes

Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Requirements.

Our company's customers have received this type of request

Continental Marketing Czech Republic s.r.o., a company holding

itself as a provider of cryptocurrency investment services and

Operation under the name Nittrex. The customers had an account with

Nittrex used for an investment strategy that included

Buying and selling cryptocurrency based on advice from Nittrex.

The investment strategy was declared as a cryptocurrency

Arbitrage transactions. According to the customer

This Nittrex investment strategy has been extremely profitable.

When the customers tried to get their first meaning

Nittrex informed them of this

They had to make a sizeable payment into an escrow wallet set

from Nittrex because of the taxes due to the

Canada Revenue Agency for Canadian Income Tax. Nittrex explained that

This has been required by anti-money laundering regulations and Canadian regulations

Tax law. Our customers were also told that they would have to pay for the CRA themselves

no option.

Nittrex's claims are false. As described below, this

This is not how the Canadian Anti-Tax or Anti-Money Laundering Act works.

It is almost never necessary to make a payment on account

Canadian income tax on a private company or individual. Requirements of

This nature is a sign of cheating and you should exercise extremely

Exercise caution in dealing with the company or the person who does this type of

Demand. We don't know if Nittrex in particular is just doing this

I don't understand Canadian Anti-Money Laundering and Taxation Compliance

But the information we gave our customers was wrong.

Fraud in the cryptocurrency context – cryptocurrency fraudulent

Investment plans

A classic scam known as the Ponzi scheme is to raise funds

Regularly send false reports of oversized profits from investors

requesting additional funds and then disappearing with the funds

before too many investors try to withdraw their money. in the

In the blockchain or cryptocurrency context, scammers can ask you to

Transfer Bitcoin to you so that they can make great use of your capital

profitable cryptocurrency trading strategy. That kind of approach

has many advantages for fraudsters.

One problem is that, in most cases, Bitcoin or other will be transferred

Cryptocurrencies are effectively irreversible. As soon as you have

Transferring bitcoin to fraudsters no mechanism is available

Cancel the transaction. In the ordinary financial system it is

Sometimes it is possible to reverse fraudulent or unintentional transactions

according to the fact (e.g., credit card chargebacks). Similar,

Governments are unable to intervene directly to repent

Transactions in blockchain ledgers.

Another benefit is that the general public knows this

Some people got really rich almost overnight

with cryptocurrency investments. This makes it easier for a member

to believe the public sent the reports of oversized profits

they from the scammers are correct. Once you've provided money for a

Scammer pretending to be making a cryptocurrency investment

Strategy, you probably won't have a way to check that out directly

Performance of the alleged investments.

Canadian Tax Payment & Withholding Tax – Cryptocurrency

Fraudulent investment plans

Our company was held by clients who act as investors

said they have to pay Canadian income tax on their alleged ones

Cryptocurrency investment manager to retire

Cryptocurrency from their accounts. This is a red flag because of it

does not include the direct payment of taxes to the rating agency or withholding by the

Investment Manager. If you pay for a private facility on your account

You will not receive credit from Canadian income taxes for this amount

the Canada Revenue Agency and you may not be able to get that

Amount from the private body. Upon receiving such a request, you will

Contact an experienced Canadian tax attorney before submitting


Canadians usually pay income tax through one of two different methods

Methods. First, by paying CRA directly. The second is through

Retention by the company paying the income (e.g. an employer)

Withholding tax deducted from an employee's salary). The first

Method is the default and is used in essentially all cases except when

The second method applies.

The witholding method is only used in relatively small numbers

of kinds of situations. When the revocation method is applied, the

withholder will provide the recipient with an explanation

of income indicating the amount withheld. The withholder will then

Transfer of the retained amount to the rating agency. The taxpayer who had it

The retained amount will be credited with the payment of a corresponding amount

Quantity. In the event that the total amount is withheld by a taxpayer

If the amount owed exceeds the taxpayer, the rating agency sends the

Taxpayers a refund. This reluctance only applies to a relative

a small number of situations in the Canadian tax system, most


  • Employers who benefit from the payment of salary, wages or

    Unemployment benefits for their employees;
  • Financial institutions that are reluctant to withdraw RRSP;
  • Payers who refrain from paying rent, interest, dividends or payments

    certain other types of passive income for non-residents;
  • Withholding fees or commissions collected from a non-resident

    Providing services in Canada; and
  • Withholding sales proceeds paid to a non-resident sale

    Canadian real estate, Canadian raw materials, or timber

    Resource properties.

In most legitimate cryptocurrency investment scenarios, there aren't any

The above source mechanisms will be involved. There are some there

Exceptions, however, such as investing in securities designed for them

Give investors cryptocurrency risk through an RRSP. If you are

If in doubt about your situation, contact a Toronto tax advisor


Canadian Anti Money Laundering Act – Fraudulent Cryptocurrency

Investment plans

Our company was kept by customers who received inquiries

for funds that are falsely justified on the basis of money protection

Laws and regulations on washing. Claims for extra money on the

Canada's Money Laundering Act grounds are a red flag for fraud

since these demands do not conflict with Canadian anti-money

The washing law applies. If you've received such a request, you

should seek legal advice from an experienced Canadian tax professional

Lawyer. You may not be able to get back the amounts deposited

Answer to such a request.

The main anti-money laundering implementation law in Canada

Law is the proceeds from crime (money laundering) and terrorists

Financing Act (PCMLTFA). This statute is administered by the

Financial Transaction Analysis Center and Reports in Canada


Proceeds of Crime's primary approach (money)

Money laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act to Combat Money

Washing means imposing recording and reporting obligations

to financial service providers and other persons or organizations that

Engage in any company, occupation, or activity that it is

prone to money laundering. Regulated companies

are required to run a compliance program, implement "Know your."

Client "logs, keep records, and report certain types of


FINTRAC monitors companies that are regulated by the proceeds from criminal offenses

(Money laundering) and the Terrorist Financing Act

Attention. It also receives and analyzes the reports sent by them

Entities. If applicable, the financial transactions and reports

The Canada Analysis Center is affiliated with law enforcement agencies and others

Government agencies who can then take further action

suspicious circumstances.

None of these activities would require additional payment

on behalf of a cryptocurrency investor to someone who is supposedly running

a cryptocurrency investment service.

Firms that run money services businesses are also

required to register with FINTRAC and this registration is searchable

by the public through financial transaction analysis and reports

Canadian Center website. A money services business is a

Company that provides at least one of the following services to the

Canadian public:

  • Forex trading,
  • Transferring or transferring funds,
  • Issue or redemption of money orders or similar negotiable

    Instruments or
  • Handling of virtual currency.

This means if you are Canadian and you employ an intermediary

In order to buy cryptocurrency, this intermediary should be registered.

If this intermediary is not registered, then this is a reason for extremes

Attention. From then on, Nittrex is no longer registered with FINTRAC

Publication of this article despite the alleged operation of a platform

It allows Canadians to buy and sell virtual currencies.

Pro Tax Tips – Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Investment


Look out for investment opportunities with the following red flags

of fraud:

  • promises high returns with low risk,
  • The investment can only be purchased for a short period of time

    Period of time,
  • The investment promoter uses high pressure sales tactics.
  • The investment is described as normally only offered

    an exclusive group (e.g. usually only for the very rich),
  • The investment sponsor is not registered for sale


The Canadian Securities Managers website provides a

national registration search which is helpful to check if

A promoter is registered.

If you are ever asked to make a payment to someone else

as the Canada Revenue Agency for Canadian income taxes,

You should consult an experienced Canadian tax attorney to verify this

that the request is genuine. It's almost certainly not valid


If you suffer losses due to a cryptocurrency related scam

Investment scheme, you can potentially claim a loss for Canadian

Income tax purposes to help balance your fellow Canadian

Income tax liability. Canadians who have been betrayed should too

Report the fraud to the government through the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center

Middle and through the RCMP.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general overview

Guide to the subject. Expert advice should be sought

about your particular circumstances.