Timothy J. Adams
Political party: Democrat
Where you live: Bowie in Prince George’s County
Current occupation and employers (may also list up to two previous jobs you’ve held); if retired, list your last job and employer: Founder and chief executive officer of SA-TECH; mayor of Bowie
Political experience (public offices held and when; as well as unsuccessful campaigns for office and which years; do not include political party positions): Mayor of Bowie, 2019-present
1 – Why are you running for this office? (75 words max)
Education saved my life. A key focus for me as comptroller is making sure we invest more in education. To do that, I want to close corporate tax loopholes, and tax and regulate marijiuana, and use those funds to support education. As a businessman, another priority for me would be ensuring that more local vendors and minority- and women-owned businesses have an opportunity to benefit from state contracts.
2 – What experience (work, political or other) has prepared you to hold this office? (100 words max)
The comptroller is the chief financial officer of Maryland. I bring 30 years of financial, legislative, and executive experience to this position. My experience includes starting one of the most successful Black-owned businesses in America from the trunk of my car. Today, we employ over 600 staff and average annual revenue of $100 million. I also serve as mayor of Bowie. As mayor, I have successfully led the city through COVID and balanced budgets without raising taxes. I am uniquely qualified for the role of comptroller and to be a strong taxpayer advocate.
3 – Are there any important issues, other than qualifications, that voters should consider? (100 words max)
Qualifications and experience are important factors to consider when assessing a candidate’s ability to achieve results. It’s not enough to promise. Elected officials have to also be able to deliver. I’m the only candidate that would bring 30 years of executive experience to the position. I’ll conduct semiannual school funding audits to evaluate state tax law for loopholes and inefficiencies to determine how to increase education funding. I’ll create an Office of Investigations and Government Accountability to root out waste, fraud and abuse. I’ll utilize technology to catch tax cheats and ensure wealthy corporations pay their fair share.
4 – For people unfamiliar with the duties of a comptroller, how do you define the job? Why does it matter who holds this position? (100 words max)
The comptroller is our chief financial officer that oversees tax revenue collection and ensures that the state’s bills are paid on time among other duties. The comptroller serves on the Board of Public Works and helps decide investments in our state’s infrastructure, schools, and pensions, among other areas. The comptroller should be an independent voice for taxpayers who is not beholden to any special interests, the governor, or the legislature. Ultimately, the job is an executive position best suited for candidates with deep experience and knowledge of running large, complex organizations, procurement law, and a demonstrated track record of independence.
5 – What is one thing the current comptroller has done that you would do differently? (100 words max)
If I’m fortunate enough to serve as the next comptroller, an area of improvement for me would be placing a higher priority on ensuring that local vendors and small businesses, as well as women- and minority-owned businesses, have greater support in competing for state contracts. As a businessman, I know the challenges Maryland’s businesses are facing and I know the barriers that exist to getting an equal opportunity to compete when you have a small business or are women- and minority-owned. I believe we can do better and I’m uniquely qualified to meet this challenge.