Felony Tax Evasion Sentencing: Toronto Tax Litigation Lawyer’s Information – Tax

Introduction – Civil vs Criminal Enforcement from the CRA

While the CRA is empowered under the Income Tax Act to

conduct both criminal and civil investigation against Canadian

taxpayers for potential non-compliance issues, the CRA conducts a

relatively small number of criminal investigations against Canadian

taxpayers as opposed to civil enforcement actions.

According to CRA’s own publication of their criminal

enforcement actions, only 21 taxpayers were sentenced to some form

of criminal sentencing for tax evasions in the year 2020.

Recently, a Brampton business owner Mr. Tran, was sentenced to a

criminal fine of $364,000 and 8 months in jail for criminal tax

evasion under the Excise Tax Act. Given the seriousness of

criminal tax evasion, it is important for Canadian taxpayers to

understand the nature and possible consequences of criminal tax


Criminal Tax Evasion

Not all tax non-compliance constitutes criminal tax evasion.

Since Canada’s tax administration relies on individual

taxpayers to self assess their amount owing and report their tax amount owing, it is often the case that a

taxpayer ends up report his or her taxes in good faith but


For a case of tax non-compliance to constitute criminal tax

evasion, the CRA must prove the necessary mental element (mens

rea) of the criminal tax evasion offense. For example, under

the Income Tax Act, the mental element for criminal tax

evasion is defined as:

239(1)(d) wilfully, in any manner,

evaded or attempted to evade compliance with this Act or payment of

taxes imposed by this Act, or

The mental element can be proven either directly via relevant

statements made by the taxpayer about his or her intention to evade

taxes, or it can be proven circumstantially when looking at the

totality of facts.

Criminal Tax Evasion Penalties Under the Income Tax Act and

Excise Tax Act

Both the Income Tax Act and the Excise Tax Act

set out criminal penalty provisions for criminal tax evasion.

Subsection 239(1) of the Income Tax Act sets the penalty

for criminal tax evasion under the Income Tax Act as a

fine between 50% and 200% of the tax amount owing, as well as a

prison sentence not exceeding 2 years.

Subsection 327(1) of the Excise Tax Act sets out the

penalty for criminal tax evasion under the Excise Tax Act

as either a fine between 50% and 200% of the tax amount owing, or

in cases where the tax owing under the Excise Tax Act

cannot be determined, a fine between $1,000 and $25,000. The

Excise Tax Act also impose a possible prison sentence for

up to 2 years for criminal tax evasion.

In addition to the penalties under the Income Tax Act

and the Excise Tax Act, the CRA may charge taxpayers with

fraud or other applicable offenses under the Criminal


Tax Evasion in The Tran Case

In the Tran case, the taxpayer was the sole shareholder of an

Ontario corporation, 2346011 Ontario Ltd. The CRA investigation

concluded that 2346011 Ontario Ltd failed to remit $726,723 in GST/HST during the period of January 1, 2014,

to December 31, 2015.

Mr. Tran was charged and pled guilty to one count of criminal

tax evasion under the Excise Tax Act.

We can see from the Tran case that while the tax liability of

the corporation is separate from the liability of the directors and

shareholders of the corporation, individuals with control of a

corporation can nevertheless be charged with criminal tax evasion

for a deliberate attempt evade the corporation’s tax


Pro Tax Tips – Know Your Charter Rights

While the penalties associated with criminal tax evasion

convictions are severe, Canadian taxpayers are afforded procedural

rights under The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

In the context of CRA investigations, the line between a civil tax

compliance investigation and criminal tax evasion investigation can

often be blurry.

This means it can often be unclear to the CRA as well as the

taxpayer under investigation when an ordinary civil tax audit has

concluded and when a criminal tax evasion investigation has began.

Common procedures employed by CRA during ordinary audits would

often constitute violation of the taxpayer’s Charter

rights when used in a criminal investigation. During a tax audit, the CRA can compel evidence from a

taxpayer under the threat of issuing an unfavorable reassessment

against the taxpayer. This technique, if employed during a criminal

investigation would likely constitute a violation of the

taxpayer’s Charter rights.

Therefore it is important to retain top Toronto tax lawyers when

you are audited by the CRA to ensure the possibility of criminal

tax evasion investigations is considered and prepared for. Our

experienced Toronto Tax Lawyers can guide you through the tax audit

process in order to reach a satisfactory outcome for you as well as

ensuring your rights are protected when criminal tax evasion

investigation is a realistic possibility. Don’t hesitate to

call us today to speak us about your tax needs. Your conversation

with us will be confidential.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.