Graduated Price Estates (GRE): Toronto Tax Lawyer Information – Taxes


Graduated Rate Estates (GRE): Guide for Tax Attorneys in Toronto

December 23, 2020

Red Meat & Samulovitch P.C.

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Introduction – Taxation of Testamentary Trusts and Estates

A testamentary trust is one that is obtained as a result of the

Death of an individual. Once under the Canadian income tax system

When a person dies, that person's entire property counts

to have been disposed of by the individual's estate at the current fair and then acquired again

Market value. Once the estate has paid its debts and taxes, it will

can then distribute his remaining assets according to the deceased

the will of the individual. One option is that this will guide it

Some or all of these assets are intended to be transferred to a trust

known as testamentary trust. One person can create any number

of testamentary trust in his will. Before January 1, 2016 everyone

Testamentary trusts were subject to tiered tax rates that

meant that much of their income was taxed at a lower rate, which allowed

for a significant distribution of income. From January 1, 2016

Graduate Rate Estates (GREs) are the only testamentary trusts that

can benefit from tiered tax rates.

What is a Graduated Rate Estate (GRE)?

A graduated estate is a specific type of will

Trust that arises when an individual dies. Every deceased

Individual can only have one GRE and must meet several


1) The estate must identify itself as a GRE in its first tax


2) no other estate of the person was designated as a

GRE; and

3) The estate must use the deceased's social

Security number in the tax return.

Benefits of a Graduated Rate Estate

The main benefit of a GRE is that it has a degree

Tax rates on any income it earns, similar to an individual's for

the first 36 months after the death of the testator. On the other hand,

A normal estate or trust pays taxes at the highest marginal rate of 53.53%

earned in Ontario in 2020 on every dollar of income. What that?

This means that the GRE can save compared to a normal trust

$ 20,000 per year based on marginal tax rate, which adds up to total

Savings of approximately $ 60,000 to $ 80,000 over the GREs

Lifetime. Speak to one of our experienced Toronto tax attorneys for

Tax advice to minimize the tax liability of your estate.

A secondary benefit to tiered property properties is that they can

Choose a non-calendar year end and all you have to do is pay

Taxes on your income at the end of the year, not monthly

or quarterly payments, as opposed to regular trusts. This relative

The tax deferral of the GRE helps to free up possible funds

otherwise used from the estate.

In addition, tiered properties benefit from a more flexible location

Donation tax benefits. In particular, the GRE can claim a donation tax

Credits in the year the donation is made or one of the following

five tax years and it can reduce the donation tax credit to one

of the previous tax years. It is also able to assign donation tax

Credits to the tax return of the deceased or the

Deceased person's tax return for the year before death.

Furthermore, graduated estates have different administrative ones

Services. GREs can use capital loss carryforwards to carry

Capital losses back to the deceased's final tax year. she

are also entitled to reimbursements beyond the normal assessment period

and have an extended notice period.

Pro Tax Tip – Update Older Wills

As already mentioned, only graduated discounts came into effect

At the beginning of 2016, normal testamentary trusts were created

in or after 2016 also lost the ability to benefit from a degree

Tax rates. What that means is that everyone uses testamentary trusts

Wills made before 2016 are likely to be out of date

This can lead to significantly worse tax results than expected

The will was drawn up first. It is therefore important that individuals with an older will plan for tax purposes

Have them reevaluated and updated by our top Toronto tax law


The content of this article is intended to provide a general overview

Guide to the subject. Expert advice should be obtained

about your particular circumstances.


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Red Meat & Samulovitch P.C.

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