Least expensive petrol stations in a few of New Zealand’s largest cities

Fuel prices across New Zealand continue to climb, with costs rising back towards or above $3 per litre – even with the Government’s petrol excise tax cut.

The average per litre price for 91 octane at New Zealand stations was $2.98, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The average diesel price was $2.75 per litre.

“We are all pretty aware of what’s happening in Ukraine and on the [oil] supply side, there’s a lack of supply coming out of Russia because of boycotting,” said Jimmy Ormsby, the managing director of fuel retailer Waitomo. 

“The price increases have been quite relentless but they’re based on the price of crude which is a supply and demand imbalance at the moment,” Ormsby told AM last month. 

To help people swerve the higher prices for 91, Newshub has put together the cheapest petrol stations for some of New Zealand’s biggest cities – as per price-tracking app Gaspy on Sunday, June 19.