Doesn’t pay way
I’m surprised a member of the city council would complain about Measures 5 and 50 depleting the city’s financial reserves. If I recall correctly, the council was warned many times that just building houses and relying on real estate taxes to cover city expenses would not add up.
Without Measures 5 and 50, the city would have had many excuses for increasing property taxes. It would be able to grab at any available money to do more for us.
For years, the city has had an attitude, “It’s so good to build we just must approve every development.”
Apparently the council believes development will generate enough additional taxes to keep the city from decay. It hasn’t realized the cost of services for each new development exceeds the increase in city service income.
For some people, the 3% limit on property tax growth is a lot better than being taxed out of their homes and facing life on the street. But senior citizens who live on a fixed income are finding property taxes to be a very heavy financial burden. For some folks, 3% may be too much!
Presently, we are going down the same money hole, with a planning department salivating over any and all new developments. Is there not an Oregonian among them?
More houses than ever are being built and at ever-higher evaluations. Just go out Baker Creek Road and take a look.
If that computes, then why does the city have need for more tax money?
John Englebrecht
Where’s the compassion?
Two letter writers in last week’s Viewpoints angrily bemoaned “immoral” lifestyles and behaviors in America, and invoked God-with-a-capital-G as justification for their mean-spirited tirades.
It is offensive — and just plain wrong — to presume every member of a community, region or nation subscribes to a single religious, spiritual or philosophical persuasion. In fact, our country’s core principles include tolerance of diversity and freedom of speech and personal beliefs.
It is utterly inappropriate to publicly assert moral superiority based on one’s religious views, especially with the self-righteousness expressed in these letters. I respect anyone’s right to believe in a divine entity, but citing biblical references to “sinners” in a public forum is narrow-minded and insulting.
The Christian bible is neither a universal moral compass nor the law of the land. Millions of Americans identify as secular humanist, agnostic, atheist, Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu or other. Millions more may be loosely included under the LGBTQ aegis, and simply wish to be treated with fairness and respect like any other citizen.
Publicly reviling those who disagree with your particular religion or sexual orientation is hurtful and dehumanizing. So please, when weighing in on issues that apply to all of us, do not use “God” in your arguments.
The two letters from last week were infused with hostility, fear, and a holier-than-thou attitude.
Please try to open your heart and mind. Show compassion and tolerance for everyone, especially those who may be different from you, and have suffered cruel and unfair treatment for no good reason.
Isn’t that what God and Jesus would want?
Grant Hoyt
Waiting and praying
As a longtime McMinnville resident, active community member, pediatric physical therapist, mother of elementary school students and wife of a middle school teacher, I am deeply concerned about the impacts gun violence is having — and will continue having — in Yamhill County.
Over this past weekend, I was deeply moved by the 96 kids, parents, educators, mental health clinicians, speakers and community support personnel who marched down Third Street in a call to address the urgent need for greater protections for our local youth.
If you are an active Oregon voter, please consider common sense gun legislation. Visit Lift Every Voice Oregon’s website or the Yamhill Democratic Office and sign the IP 17 petition by July 8 to put gun safety on the November ballot.
This is a call for help from the mothers who are tired of waiting and praying.
Sinell Harney
Shared future
There’s a quote by Clarence Kelland about fatherhood, that I refer to often:
“He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived and let me watch him do it.”
As the father of three, two in elementary school, I’m always thinking about their safety and well-being. More than anything, I want to know they are protected and cared for so they can focus on schoolwork — and on being kids.
This is never more evident than right now.
While I hope they’re safe in school, and their minds are well-nourished, I’m also responsible for making sure their bodies are nourished. That’s why our family has chosen to raise its children on a plant-based diet.
A whole foods, plant-based diet is optimal for all stages of human development.
Meat, dairy, and eggs are feeding heart disease and cancer in children as young as 10. With an array of plant-based food options now available, it’s easier than ever to raise vegan kids.
As parents, we have a responsibility to tend to our children throughout their lives, and to live by example. This Father’s Day, choose compassion for our shared future.
Melvin Nysser