MoFo Germany‘s Powerhouse acknowledged by Finest Legal professionals

Morrison Foerster was well-represented in the 2022 edition of Best Lawyers in Germany with 21 lawyers receiving 56 individual rankings.

Christoph Wagner was named the 2023 Lawyer of the Year for Corporate Law in Best Lawyers in Germany. Christoph is Co-Chair of Morrison Foerster’s Global Media practice and has more than 25 years of experience as an M&A and regulatory lawyer in the telecommunications, media, and technology industries. He focuses particularly on complex transactions and strategic regulatory advice to media and communications companies.

The MoFo lawyers named in this year’s Best Lawyers list include:

  • Dirk Besse, Corporate Law; Media Law; Mergers and Acquisitions Law; Private Equity Law; Venture Capital Law
  • Kristina Ehle, Information Technology Law; Media Law; Technology Law
  • Florian Ehrich, Real Estate Law
  • Andreas Grünwald, Competition / Antitrust Law; Entertainment Law; Media Law; Regulatory Practice; Technology Law; Telecommunications Law
  • Jens Hackl, Competition / Antitrust Law
  • Felix Helmstädter, Competition / Antitrust Law; Regulatory Practice
  • Jens-Uwe Hinder, Corporate Law; Mergers and Acquisitions Law; Real Estate Law; Tax Law
  • Jörg Meissner, Corporate Law; Mergers and Acquisitions Law; Private Equity Law; Venture Capital Law
  • Wolfgang Schönig, Information Technology Law; Intellectual Property Law; Technology Law
  • Julia Schwalm, Litigation
  • Roland Steinmeyer, Corporate Law; Mergers and Acquisitions Law
  • Christiane Stuetzle, Intellectual Property Law
  • Hanno Timner, Data Security and Privacy Law; Labor and Employment Law
  • Christoph Wagner, Competition / Antitrust Law; Corporate Law; Entertainment Law; Media Law; Mergers and Acquisitions Law; Private Equity Law; Regulatory Practice; Technology Law; Telecommunications Law

Additionally, six lawyers were designated in the “Ones to Watch” category, including:

  • Patricia C. Ernst
  • Robert Grohmann
  • Raffaele Mazza
  • Christoph Nüßing
  • Philip Radlanski
  • Jakob Tybus

Established in 1983, Best Lawyers is one of the oldest and most widely respected peer‑review publications in the legal profession. Lawyers are selected based on receiving the highest overall peer feedback. Only one lawyer for each specialty and location is designated as a “Lawyer of the Year.”

View the complete list of this year’s rankings.

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