PPP Fraud: Replace On The DOJ’s Exercise – Authorities, Public Sector

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This article highlights recent Justice Department actions

concerning Paycheck Protection Program loans and what businesses

need to know to avoid civil and criminal liability.

Enforcement of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic

Security Act (“CARES Act”) has been swift and steady. The

U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced1

at the end of February 2021 that it has prosecuted more than 100

defendants in 70 criminal cases for COVID-related loan fraud and

seized more than $60 million in cash proceeds derived from

fraudulently obtained funds through the Paycheck Protection Program

(“PPP”), as well as numerous real estate properties and

luxury items purchased with PPP funds.

The PPP provides forgivable loans to assist small businesses

with expenses during the COVID-19 shutdown. Like many other federal

programs, the PPP requires a series of certifications to receive

federal funding. False certifications can expose small businesses

to civil liability under the False Claims Act (“FCA”) and

the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act

(“FIRREA”), as well as criminal liability under (among

others) the federal mail and wire fraud statutes.

This article highlights the most recent DOJ actions concerning

PPP loans and what businesses need to know to avoid civil and

criminal liability.


Although nearly all of the PPP fraud cases brought to date have

been criminal cases, DOJ also intends to use civil enforcement

tools such as the FCA and FIRREA. In a recent public statement,

Brian Boynton, the acting Assistant Attorney General,

emphasized2 the DOJ’s intention to use the FCA to

combat any alleged “false representations regarding

eligibility, misuse of program funds, and false certifications

pertaining to loan forgiveness.”

He also noted that the Civil Division is working closely with

agencies to investigate potential violations and these

“collaborative efforts” are “expect(ed) to translate

into significant cases and recoveries.”

In January, DOJ announced its first FCA and FIRREA settlement

based on PPP fraud, which involved SlideBelts, Inc., a

California-based internet retailer and debtor in bankruptcy. As

part of the settlement,3 both the company and its

president and chief executive officer admitted to making false

statements that the company was not in bankruptcy in order to

obtain a PPP loan. The DOJ alleged damages and penalties totaling

$4.1 million. SlideBelts ultimately agreed to pay $100,000 to

resolve the FCA and FIRREA allegations and was forced to return the

$350,000 loan it had obtained.

SlideBelts also highlights that a PPP loan of any amount can

become the subject of an FCA action, thereby limiting the

“safe harbor” for loans of less than $2million. Although

theTreasury Department had previously

announced4—in connection with an interim rule

published by the Small Business Administration’s Fourth Interim

Rule—that only PPP loans of more than $2 million will be

given a “full review” to ensure legitimate economic need

before they will be forgiven, the certifications for any loan

amount may be audited and may give rise to FCA liability.

As for FIRREA liability, SlideBelts also demonstrates that

nearly any misstatement to a financial institution can expose a

company to liability under the statute, which then entitles DOJ to

civil penalties for mail or wire fraud that affects a

federally-insured financial institution.

To prove FIRREA’s requirement that the perpetrated fraud or

misstatement “affect” a financial institution, as a

practical matter, has never been a high hurdle for DOJ; if the

misstatement is in connection with a loan application, the

requirement is typically found to be satisfied. The government also

need prove a FIRREA claim only by a preponderance of the evidence,

so any FCA case based on PPP fraud will likely involve FIRREA

penalty claims as well, as was the case with SlideBelts.

Moreover, like the FCA, FIRREA provides a financial incentive to

whistle- blowers to report violations to the government.

Finally, of the eight federal criminal cases related to

COVID-relief fraud charged in February 2021, six proceedings

centered on alleged fraudulent statements in loan applications

about payroll expenses for employees.

Specifically, the indictments allege that the applications

contained false and misleading statements about the number of

employees or average monthly payroll expenses for the

business’s operations. Certain defendants allegedly also

submitted false documentation in support of their false statements,

like falsified federal tax filings5 or false

W-2s6 for purported employees who were not in fact

employed by the company.


Given the substantial resources devoted to investigating and

prosecuting COVID relief fraud, and the establishment of the

Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery

(“SIGPR”), we will likely see PPP fraud cases for years

to come.

Companies should therefore remember to substantiate their

eligibility requirements and representations made in PPP loan

applications, and carefully review all communications with lenders

in particular, as those communications can serve as important and

easy-to-gather evidence that a borrower knowingly submitted a false


Once PPP loans are obtained, companies should carefully document

their use in accordance with the terms of the loan. The

company’s recordkeeping should therefore include documented

support for eligibility, for representations made in connection

with the application, for any decision the company made in a

regulatory gray area in connection with obtaining the loan, and for

the appropriate use of any funds obtained.

To the extent that a misstatement is discovered after submission

of an application, or after obtaining the loan, consult with

counsel on how best to navigate any necessary correction.

As the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery, Brian

Miller, recently stated, “(c)ompanies should document how the

company tried to stay out of trouble, what it did when trouble was

discovered, and the trouble was dealt with. Inspectors general and

the Justice Department may provide leniency to those that are

transparent and cooperative.”7


1. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-pleads-guilty-directing-covid-relief-fraud-scheme.

2. https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/acting-assistant-attorney-general-brian-m-boynton-delivers-remarks-federal-bar.

3. https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/press-release/file/1352931/download.

4. See https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2020/04/28/mnuchin-coronavirus-small-business-ppp/.

5. https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdny/pr/federal-grand-jury-indicts-two-brothers-allegedly-defrauding-payroll-protection-program.

6. https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/seminole-county-man-charged-covid-relief-fraud.

7. B. Miller, “What

Companies Should Know about SIGPR Oversight,” Law 360 Expert

Analysis, March 11, 2021.

Originally published by Pratt’s Government Contracting

Law Report .

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.