Tax Exemption And Unrelated Enterprise Revenue Guidelines (UBIT): “Considerably Associated” (Half Three Of three) – Tax Authorities

This Insights blog is Part 3 of a 3-Part series focused

on the unrelated business income tax rules for the nonprofit

organization that is tax-exempt pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of

the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”).

Part 1—Tax Exemption and the Framework for the Unrelated

Business Income Rules
—provided an overview of

the organizational and operational tests of section 501(c)(3) of

the Code and alluded to the trigger for unrelated business income

rules. Part 2–Unrelated Business Income Tax Rules,

Modifications, and Exceptions
—dived deeper into,

well, the specific rules, modifications, and exceptions.

This Part 3 will dive deeper into the meaning of a trade or

business that is “substantially related” to an exempt

purpose of the tax-exempt organization.

“Substantially Related.”

An organization may meet the requirements of section 501(c)(3)

although it operates a trade or business as a substantial

of its activities, if the operation of such

trade or business is in furtherance of the organization’s

exempt purpose or purposes and if the organization is not organized

or operated for the primary purpose of carrying on an unrelated

trade or business, as defined in section 513
. In

determining the existence or nonexistence of such primary purpose,

all the circumstances must be considered, including the size and

extent of the trade or business and the size and extent of the

activities which are in furtherance of one or more exempt


See 26 C.F.R. § 1.501(c)(3)-1(e) (emphasis


A trade or business is “substantially

” (and therefore not an

“unrelated” trade or business for unrelated business

income tax rules) only if the production or distribution of the

goods or the performance of the services from which the gross

income is derived contributes importantly to the accomplishment of

the purposes for which exemption was granted. “A

‘substantially related’ trade or business ‘has causal

relationship to the achievement of exempt purposes’ and

‘must contribute importantly to the accomplishment of those

purposes.'” Ocean Pines Ass’n v. Comm’r,

672 F.3d 284, 287-289 (4th Cir. 2012) (quoting 26 C.F.R. §

1.513-1(d)(2)). Section 1.513-1(d)(2) of the Treasury Regulations

provides as follows:

Type of relationship required. Trade or

business is related to exempt purposes, in the relevant

sense, only where the conduct of the business activities has causal

relationship to the achievement of exempt purposes (other than

through the production of income); and it is substantially

related, for purposes of section 513, only if the causal

relationship is a substantial one.
Thus, for the conduct

of trade or business from which a particular amount of gross income

is derived to be substantially related to purposes for which

exemption is granted, the production or distribution of the goods

or the performance of the services from which the gross income is

derived must contribute importantly to the accomplishment

of those purposes
. Where the production or distribution of

the goods or the performance of the services does not

importantly to the accomplishment of the exempt

purposes of an organization, the income from the sale of the goods

or the performance of the services does not derive from the conduct

of related trade or business. Whether activities productive of

gross income contribute importantly to the accomplishment of any

purpose for which an organization is granted exemption depends in

each case upon the facts and circumstances involved.

26 C.F.R. § 1.513-1(d)(2)(emphasis in bold added).

In determining whether an activity is “substantially

related” to an exempt purpose, the courts look to the

operation of the activity, and not to the benefit of the

organization’s members. See Veterans of Foreign

Wars, Dep’t of Michigan v. Comm’r of Internal Revenue,

89 T.C. 7, 38 (1987) (finding that income received from a certain

Christmas card fundraising activity of the VFW was not

substantially related to its exempt purpose).

For example, the IRS has ruled that sales of pharmaceutical

supplies by a tax-exempt hospital to members of the general public,

or to private patients of physicians practicing in a building owned

by the hospital, do not qualify for the “convenience”

exception. Rev. Rul. 68–375, 1968–2 C.B. 245;

Rev. Rul. 68–374, 1968–2 C.B. 242.

The IRS determined that “(t)he buyer-seller relationship

between these off-street patrons and the pharmacy” was

insufficient to classify them as “patients” of the

hospital. The IRS concluded that these revenues were subject to

unrelated business income taxation because there was “no

substantial causal relationship between the achievement of the

hospital’s exempt purposes and the sale of pharmaceutical

supplies” to such individuals. See Rev. Rul.

68–374; see also New Jersey Council of Teaching

Hosps. v. Comm’r of Internal Revenue, 149 T.C. 466, 480-81

(2017) (providing detailed analysis on “substantially

related” and the “convenience of members”


Examples of “Substantially Related.”

In Revenue Ruling 74-399, 1974-2 C.B. 172, the IRS

found that a tax-exempt museum’s operation of

an eating facility that helped to attract visitors to a museum and

enhanced the efficient operation of the entire museum by enabling

the staff and employees to remain on its premises throughout the

workday may contribute importantly to the accomplishment of the

museum’s exempt purposes and would not constitute unrelated

trade or business. The Revenue Ruling states, in relevant part, as


Because there are places of refreshment in the museum visitors

are able to devote a greater portion of their time and attention to

the museum’s collection, exhibits and other educational

facilities than would be the case if they had to interrupt or

terminate their tours of the museum to seek outside eating

facilities at mealtime. The eating facilities also enhance the

efficient operation of the entire museum by enabling the museum

staff and employees to remain on its premises throughout the

workday. Thus, the museum’s operation of the

eating facilities is a service that contributes importantly to the

accomplishment of its exempt purposes.

Rev. Rul. 74-399 (emphasis added).

In Rev. Rul. 69-268, 1969-1 C.B. 160, a

tax-exempt hospital operated a cafeteria and

coffee shop open to hospital staff and persons visiting hospital

patients. The general public was not encouraged to use the food

facilities. One of the exempt purposes of the hospital is to

provide health care for members of the community. The IRS found

that the operation of the hospital’s eating facilities was held

not unrelated trade or business within the meaning

of section 513 of the Code. The IRS found that visits by outsiders

are regarded as a form of therapy that assisted in patient

recovery. The IRS noted that the hospital’s permitting outside

visitors to use its eating facilities enabled the visitors to spend

more time with the patients and thus contributed significantly to

the hospital’s exempt purpose.

In Rev. Rul. 81-138, 1981-1 C.B. 358, the IRS

evaluated a commercial lease arrangement involving a chamber of

commerce, being an exempt organization under section 501(c)(6) of

the Code. The chamber’s exempt purposes included encouraging

business development in a community. The chamber obtained a

mortgage to help finance a shell building’s construction leased

to an industrial tenant at less than full rental value. The IRS

found that the leasing of the property was not an unrelated

trade or business
as defined in section 513 of the Code

because the lease was substantially related to the chamber

organization’s exempt purpose. The Revenue Ruling concluded as


The building that the organization owns may constitute

“debt-financed property” within the meaning of section

514(b)(1) of the Code since such property is held to produce income

and is subject to acquisition indebtedness. Thus, it is necessary

to determine whether substantially all of the use of the building

is substantially related to the exercise or performance by the

organization of the purpose or function constituting the basis for

its exemption, and therefore excluded from the definition of debt-

financed property under the provisions of section 514(b)(1)(A)(i).

. . .

(T)he leasing of the building by the organization, under the

circumstances described, when the project is initially financed by

contributions from the business community and is leased at less

than fair market value for similar facilities, is an activity

designed to attract industry to the community and is not an

activity of a kind ordinarily carried on for profit. The activity

therefore contributes importantly to the purposes constituting the

basis for the organization’s exempt status under section

501(c)(6) of the Code, and thus is substantially related to those

purposes within the meaning of section 514(b)(1)(A)(i).

In Rev. Rul. 77-47, 1977-1 C.B. 157, the IRS

evaluated a historical preservation association that was exempt

under section 501(c)(3) of the Code. The association acquired,

restored, and preserved historical significant buildings and opened

the restored buildings to the public for a nominal admission fee.

The association acquired other historically significant buildings

by the assumption of outstanding mortgages. It leased them at fair

rental value for uses that bore no relationship to the

building’s historical significance and did not allow for

viewing by the general public. The IRS concluded that,

because the leasing did not contribute significantly to the

association’s exempt purpose and had no causal relationship to

the achievement of that purpose, the exception under section

did not apply, and the leased

buildings were held to constitute debt-financed


In Living Faith, Inc. v. Commissioner, 950

F.2d 365 (7th Cir. 1991), the issue was whether Living Faith

was operated exclusively for exempt purposes under section

501(c)(3) of the Code when Living Faith’s sole activities

involved the operation of two religious-based food stores and

restaurants called Country Life.

Living Faith was a Seventh-Day Adventist Church organized in

part to perform “outpost evangelism programs.” Living

Faith operated Country Life based on the Seventh-Day Adventist

religious dietary standards. Id. at 367. The Country Life

facilities were required to employ Seventh-Day Adventist management

and maintain a working relationship with the local Seventh-Day

Adventist Church. Living Faith’s food prices were competitive

with other vegetarian restaurants and health food stores.

Id. at 368.

Living Faith asserted that it operated its health food stores

with the exclusive, tax-exempt purpose of furthering the

Seventh-Day Adventist Church’s religious work as a health

ministry. Id. at 370. Living Faith used Country Store as a

means to evangelize the Seventh-Day Adventist faith. Each day,

Living Faith conducted a devotional and religious ceremony at the

facility. Living Faith provided the public with an opportunity to

sample vegetarian cooking by offering free meals. Living Faith

offered to the public a fee-based cooking school that promoted

vegetarian cooking. Living Faith also offered weekly Bible study

classes, free of charge, and occasionally provided meals to the

needy in exchange for chores. Id. at 368.

The IRS Commissioner and the Tax Court found that Living Faith

was not qualified as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Code due

to the substantial nonexempt activity of operating commercial food


The Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit affirmed. The court


(W)e focus on “the purposes toward which an

organization’s activities are directed, and not the nature of

the activities.” The purposes need not be solely religious;

courts recognize that a nonexempt purpose, even “somewhat

beyond a de minimis level,” may be permitted without loss of

exception. The nonexempt purpose, however, cannot be substantial.

“The presence of a single nonexempt purpose, if substantial in

nature, will destroy the exemption regardless of the number or

importance of truly (exempt) purposes.”

A single activity may be carried on for more than one purpose.

The fact that an organization’s primary activity may constitute

a trade or business does not, of itself, disqualify it from

classification under § 501(c)(3), provided the trade or

business furthers or accomplishes an exempt purpose. If one of the

activity’s purposes, however, is substantial and nonexempt

(e.g., commercial), the organization will be denied exempt

status under § 501(c)(3), even if its activity also furthers

an exempt (e.g., religious) purpose.

Living Faith, 950 F.2d at 370 (internal citations


The Court of Appeals found that Living Faith’s activities

were limited to the operation of the two food stores. The operation

of the eating facilities was presumptively commercial. The facility

was open to the public. It competed directly with other

restaurants. It used profit-making pricing formulas and engaged in

advertising. The facility had hours of operation competitive with

commercial enterprises. The underlying organization had no plans to

solicit donations. In sum, the food store operations were

substantial commercial operations and thus, the denial of exemption

under section 501(c)(3) was affirmed. See id. at 371,


Indeed, “‘the presence of a single nonexempt purpose,

if substantial in nature, will destroy the exemption regardless of

the number or importance of truly (exempt) purposes.'”

American Ass’n of Christian Schools Voluntary Employees

Beneficiary Ass’n Welfare Plan Trust v. United States, 850

F.2d 1510, 1513 (11th Cir.1988) (quoting Better Business Bureau

v. United States, 326 U.S. 279, 283, 66 S.Ct. 112, 114, 90

L.Ed. 67 (1945)).

The Commerciality Doctrine.

One final legal concept for this three-part UBIT series and that

the IRS and the courts consider in the UBIT context is called the

“commerciality doctrine.”

This doctrine was created by the courts and, generally,

specifies that an organization will not qualify for tax exemption

under section 501(c)(3) of the Code if the organization is operated

in a manner that competes with for-profit enterprises. A focus of

this doctrine is whether the activities of the purported tax-exempt

organization allow it to gain an unfair market advantage over

for-profit enterprises by virtue of an exemption from income from

such activities.

Some types of tax-exempt organizations get a “pass”

from the commerciality doctrine. For example, exempt research

organizations, exempt educational institutions, and hospitals

generally are not subject to the commerciality doctrine with

respect to their foundational and traditional exempt activities,

even though those entities compete with for-profit enterprises that

provide similar goods or services.

The nebulous areas for the application of the doctrine usually

arise when trying to determine at what point the operation of a

particular activity should transform that organization into a

commercial enterprise and thereby to have forfeited its tax-exempt

status. If an organization is deemed to have violated the

commerciality doctrine by the operation of a non-exempt purpose or

activity, the organization’s tax exemption may be revoked and

the income from that non-exempt activity (as well as other income)

may be subject to federal income taxation.

Neither the Tax Courts nor Congress have established a

bright-line test for deciding when a tax-exempt organization’s

“commercial activity” meets the threshold for a violation

of the commerciality doctrine. Factors that the courts consider

include whether the organization is competing with for-profit

commercial enterprises, pricing policies of the organization such

as market-comparable or at-cost provision of goods or services,

whether the organization markets its goods or services like a

for-profit enterprise.

As one of my wise mentor’s once described the application of

the commerciality doctrine: If it looks like a duck, waddles

like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck. I

suppose the “duck test” is one way to make a

semi-informed decision on whether or not an activity of a

tax-exempt organization violates the commerciality doctrine.


Well, tax-exemption friends, Romans, etc., that is a wrap for

this Three Part Series on Tax Exemption and Unrelated

Business Income Tax (UBIT)
. To close, and as I closed

Parts 1 and 2, I quote U.S. Tax Court Senior Judge Mark V. Holmes:

“One way to think about tax law is to view it as a series of

general rules qualified by exceptions, and exceptions to those

exceptions, and exceptions to those exceptions to those

exceptions.” See Continuing Life Communities Thousand Oaks

LLC v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2022-31 |April 6,

?|Holmes, J. | Dkt. No.


The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.