Tax Search Warrants, Revenue Tax Act: Canadian Tax Lawyer Steerage – Tax

Introduction – Tax Search Warrants

Canada’s federal Income Tax Act includes provisions that

grant the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”) a wide range

of powers for administering and enforcing the Act. For instance,

section 231.1 grants the CRA the power to tax audit and inspect the

books and records of taxpayers and section 231.2 grants the CRA the

power to require a taxpayer, or a third party, to provide documents

and information upon request. These powers are applicable to

CRA’s civil tax audits. However, a taxpayers’ rights under

section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedom are engaged as soon

as a criminal tax investigation in commenced by the CRA. In R v

Jarvis, the Supreme Court of Canada set out the test for

determining when a civil tax audit has metamorphosized into in a

criminal tax investigation. In particular, the Supreme Court of

Canada held that “wherever the predominant purpose of an

inquiry or question is the determination of penal liability, all

Charter protections that are relevant in the criminal context must

apply.” When dealing with a criminal tax investigation the CRA can not

rely on the administrative and enforcement powers available under

sections 231.1 and 231.2 of the Income Tax Act. In context of

criminal tax investigations, the CRA must obtain a search warrant

under subsection 231.3(1) of the Income Tax Act. This article

provides tax guidance related to tax search warrants.

Tax Search Warrant – Section 231.3 of the Income Tax


Subsection 231.3(1) of the Income Tax Act permits the CRA to

make an ex parte application to a judge of a provincial superior

court or a Federal Court judge for a warrant “to enter and

search any building, receptacle or place for any document or thing

that may afford evidence as to the commission of an offence under

this Act”.

Pursuant to subsection 231.3(3), a judge may issue a search

warrant where he or she is satisfied that there are reasonable

grounds to believe that:

  • An offence under the Income Tax Act was committed;
  • A document or thing that may afford evidence of the commission

    of the offence under the Act is likely to be found; and,
  • The building, receptacle or place specified in the application

    is likely to contain such a document or thing.

Tax Search Warrant – Seizure, Retention, Return of Content

When a search warrant is issued, under subsection 231.3(1) of

the Income Tax Act, it must specify the person authorized to enter

and search the building, receptacle or place for the document or

thing in question and bring it before, or report it to, the judge

(who issued the search warrant) or another judge of the same court

(Subsection 231.3(4), Income Tax Act). In addition, subsection

231.3(5) of the Income Tax Act permits any person executing a

search warrant to seize “any other document or thing”

that give evidence to any offence under the Act, in addition to the

documents and things listed in the search warrant.

Subsections 231.3(6) and 231.3(7) of the Income Tax Act require

the judge to determine whether, or not, the CRA is entitled to

retain the seized materials. Specifically, subsection 231.3(6)

requires a judge to make an order stating that, unless the CRA

provides otherwise, the seized materials shall be retained by the

CRA. Subsection 231.3(6) imposes an obligation on the CRA to take

“responsible care” of the seized document or thing and to

ensure that it is “preserved until the conclusion of any

investigation into the offence in relation to which the document or

thing was seized” or until such content is “required to

be produced for the purpose of a criminal proceeding.”

Under subsection 231.3(7) of the Income Tax Act, a judge may

order that the document or thing seized be returned to the person

from whom it was seized or the person who is otherwise legally

entitled thereto if the judge is satisfied that the document or


  • Will not be required for an investigation or a criminal

    proceeding; or,
  • Was not seized in accordance with the warrant or section 231.3

    of the Income Tax Act.

Tax Search Warrant – Taxpayers’ Access to Seized Content

and Rights and Privileges During a Tax Search Warrant

Subsection 231.3(8) of the Income Tax Act allows the person from

whom any document or thing is seized “at all reasonable times

and subject to such reasonable condition” to inspect and

obtain copies of such materials “at the expense of the


However, it is difficult to provide exact tax guidance as to the

time-period to which a judge may order documents and things seized

(e.g., computers) to be “retained by the Minister” before

they are returned to the person from who it was seized or the

person who is otherwise legally entitled to such document or thing.

In addition, the time-period pertaining to retention of documents

or things seized may vary depending on relevant or external factors

including, but not limited to, the scope of CRA’s criminal tax

investigation or delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly,

since records will normally be retained by the CRA for a lengthy

period of time, it is important for taxpayers facing a potential

tax search warrant to maintain off-site or cloud back up of all

physical files and computer records, as they will also be


It is important to note that a taxpayer’s computers and

documents in an accountant’s files may also be retained by the

CRA, along with the accountant’s working papers. However, in

certain circumstances, solicitor-client privilege may be available

for accountant-client correspondence if the accountant is retained

by the lawyer to facilitate communications between the taxpayer and

the Canadian tax lawyer or to provide the tax lawyer with

information on behalf of the taxpayer. In Telus Communications Inc.

v Canada (Attorney General) the Federal Court of Appeal held that

advice that is communicated to a client through an agent acting for

the client (e.g., the accountant) is privileged because the

accountant was obtaining legal advice on behalf of the client.

It is highly recommended that when a search warrant is served

the taxpayer should immediately retain a Canadian tax lawyer to

ensure that all of their rights and privileges under subsection

232(1) of the Income Tax Act are preserved. In particular,

subsection 232(1) on the Income Tax Act provides taxpayers the

right to assert “solicitor-client privileges” and to

“refuse to disclose an oral or documentary communication on

the ground that the communication is one passing between the person

and the person’s lawyer in professional confidence.”

Section 487 of the Criminal Code and Search Warrants

Subsection 487(1) of the Criminal Code also permits a judge to

grant permission to an “interested person to examine detained

or seized material”. Accordingly, instead of obtaining a

section 231.1 search warrant, the CRA may proceed by way of

obtaining a search warrant under subsection 487(1) of the Criminal

Code. In Mandate Erectors and Weldings Ltd v The Queen, documents

were seized pursuant to a subsection 487(1) Criminal Code search

warrant. In this case, the taxpayer sought to prevent the CRA from

continuing to retain and use copies of the documents seized in a

criminal investigation on the grounds that the search warrant had

been improperly issued. However, the court disagreed with the

taxpayer and explained that no “irreparable harm” would

be done if the taxpayer’s application is dismissed.

Pro Tax Tips – Tax Guidance and Tax Search Warrants

Tax search warrants can create immense financial consequences

for businesses and their owners. Failure to comply with a search

warrant provisions is an offence under subsection 238(1) of the

Income Tax Act. A taxpayer who fails to provide the CRA with

documents and things listed in a search warrant may be required to

pay a penalty, pursuant to subsection 238(1). In addition, a

taxpayer found guilty of an offence under subsection 238(1) of the

Income Tax Act, in addition to any penalty, is liable on summary

conviction to (a) a fine of not less than $10,000 and not more than

$25,000; or (b) both a fine and imprisonment for a term not

exceeding 12 months.

If you are the subject of a tax search warrant or a criminal tax

investigation by the CRA, or if you are charged with an offence

under subsection 238(1) of the Income Tax Act, please contact our

tax law office for tax guidance from one of our top Canadian tax lawyers.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.