A Temporary Historical past On The Disagreeable Topic Of Taxes – Tax

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Taxes are compulsory expropriations levied to support necessary

government expenditures. The law is complex, and the government has

large budgets to administer it. Tax disputes are expensive and

often involve protracted litigation. Hence, most persons consider

tax an “unpleasant subject”. However, they are necessary

for the public good and to maintain the rule of law in a democratic


Historically, taxes had some religious significance,

particularly in ancient Greece and in the Roman Empire. We see this

in the Brancacci Chapel in Florence, where the fresco

“Rendering of the Tribute Money” depicts the gods

approving the Florentine income tax. However, tax is also

associated with unpleasant events, such as, wars and


The religious association of taxes was replaced by the

sovereign’s rights to impose new levies. We see the origins of

the “newer” taxes in the medieval English feudal system

of landholding, where the King held all land through a complex web

stretching down from the monarch to the rural peasantry. Everyone

in this hierarchy had allocated feudal rights, which came with

obligations regulated by custom.

The King was entitled to many forms of payments. For example, he

could demand money from his tenants-in-chief on the marriage of

their eldest daughter, or when his tenants’ heirs inherited

their estates. He had the lucrative right of wardship over

tenants’ heirs who were minors, and he could control the

marriage of his tenants’ widows and heirs. The barons also owed

‘scutage’ to the King, a payment in lieu of military

service. The payments were compulsory appropriations; hence, they

were, in effect, “taxes”.

King John (1199-1216) repeatedly breached the bounds of

traditional practices by exploiting his feudal (taxing) rights to

excess. After many years of unsuccessful foreign policies and heavy

taxation demands, King John was facing down a possible rebellion by

the country’s powerful barons. In May 1215, a group of barons,

who were discontented with the King, rebelled. Led by Robert fitz

Walter (1162-1235), who called himself ‘Marshal of the Army of

God and Holy Church’, the rebel barons captured London on 17

May 1215, and the following month finally forced King John to sign

Magna Carta (“the Great Charter”) on June


Under duress, the King agreed to a charter of liberties that

would place him and all of England’s future sovereigns within

the rule of law. The barons then made peace with the King and

renewed their allegiance to him. The Magna Carta also

contained a clause that provided that 25 barons should oversee the

enforcement of its provisions. Over a third of the 63 clauses in

the 1215 Magna Carta dealt directly with rights defining and

limiting the extent of the King’s authority.

Though it was not initially successful, the document was

reissued (with alterations) in 1216, 1217 and 1225, and eventually

became the foundation for the English system of common law and the

rule of law.

Prior to 1798, the English revenue system relied primarily on

customs and excise duties. By then, the medieval system of taxes on

property contributed a very small proportion of general revenues.

However, after England declared war with France in 1793, it needed

to increase its revenues. Pitt the Younger introduced the first

income tax in England in 1800 to finance the fight against


Following the Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815), where the Duke

of Wellington (the “Iron Duke”) defeated Napoleon,

opponents of the income tax forced it to be abolished and even

demanded the destruction of all documents that referred to the law.

An official saved one copy in the basement of the English tax court

and it became the model of the modern-day tax system.

The story of income tax in the United States is similarly rooted

in war. The Boston Tea Party was essentially a revolution against

Great Britain’s Stamp Tax on everything from tea to legal

documents. The revolution gave birth to the phrase “No

taxation without representation”, which underlies the American

Constitution and is also incorporated in the Westminster

parliamentary tradition of Canadian tax law.1

Similarly, before World War I, the principal sources of Canadian

revenues were federal customs duties, excise taxes and revenues

from postal services. Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden introduced

the federal income tax on business profits in 1916 and a tax on

personal income on September 20, 1917. Both taxes were tabled as

temporary measures to finance the costs of World War I. By

1916, the cost of the war had reached $600 million, an enormous sum

at that time. In introducing the tax, Sir Thomas White – Minister

of Finance, speaking to the Committee of the Whole in the House of

Commons, said:

“Mr. Chairman, I desire today to lay before this committee

proposals for a national measure of income taxation. Hitherto we

have relied upon duties of customs and of excise, postal rates and

other miscellaneous sources of revenue. Canada has been and will

continue during the lifetime of those present today, to be a

country inviting immigration. I have, therefore, thought it

desirable that we should not be known to the outside world as a

country of heavy individual taxation.

We are, however, confronted with grave conditions arising out of

the war. The time has arrived when we must resort to direct

taxation. I am confident, Mr. Chairman, that the people of Canada,

whose patriotism during this war has been so often and so nobly

proven, will, in light of present conditions, which call for it,

cheerfully accept the burden and the sacrifice of this additional


We cannot see very far ahead in these days. We do not know how

long this war will last. We do not know what the attitude of the

people of this country will be upon the many questions, social,

industrial, financial and fiscal.

Therefore, I have placed no time limit upon this measure but

merely have placed upon Hansard the suggestion that, a year or two

after the war is over, the measure should be reviewed by the

minister of finance of the day, with a view of judging whether it

is suitable to the conditions which then prevail”.

It was not until 1949 that Louis St. Laurent finally made income

taxes permanent in Canada. The Income War Tax Act of 1917

was all of ten pages. It has since grown through several

reincarnations of “tax reform” to over 3,500 pages and

expands annually at a healthy pace.2 Of course, the

nature of the Canadian income tax system has also changed

significantly since its introduction. For example, in 1917, the

Income War Tax Act exempted the first $1,500 of income

— about $30,720 in 2020 dollars — from any tax

whatsoever. The top rate of 25% applied only to income over

$2,048,000 in 2020 dollars. The top federal marginal rate of 33%

now kicks in at $216,512 (2021).

The income tax was transformed after 1945 from war time revenues

to social, economic, and political objectives. Income

redistribution is now one of the dominant themes of tax

legislation. Tax law became a tool for behavioral finance. The law

is used to invoke behavioural responses from taxpayers to respond

to economic incentives and sanctions. Some examples: there are

special tax rules to encourage Canadian culture and foreign films

made in Canada (sections 125.4 125.5), discourage advertising in

foreign magazines (subsection 19(1)), provide labour credits for

journalism organizations (section 125.6) and digital news

subscriptions (section 118.02), and promote gender equality. The

February 2018 Federal Budget comprised 362 pages mentioned women

358 times).

“Tax reform” has become a mere trope, a phrase that is

trotted out every four years during elections. There have been

numerous studies of the tax law with the purported purpose of

“tax reform”. The most significant was the Report of the

Carter Commission (1966), which received universal acclaim

from informed scholars. As Boris I. Bittker, Southmayd Professor of

Law, Yale University said of the Report in The University of

Chicago Law Review, Volume 35, 637:

“The 1966 Report of the Royal Commission on Taxation,

established with a sweeping mandate to examine the federal tax laws

of Canada and to make recommendations for their improvement, has

few peers among modern proposals for income tax reform.”

Rare praise indeed from an American source for a Canadian

proposal. Regrettably, the acclaim did not capture the imagination

of Canadian politicians of the day. The Bill (tabled in the House

of Commons June 18, 1971, exactly 156 years later to the day after

the Battle of Waterloo) ignored the most significant proposals of

the Report, including the concept that “a buck is a

buck”. Instead, we chose to tax different sources of income

differently and devised a complex structure of rules for each


Since the Tax Reform Bill of 1971, there have been numerous

calls for “reform” and “simplification” of the

statute. Serious analysis of tax reform requires an analytical

examination of fairness, simplicity, and efficiency. There has been

no such effort.

The Income Tax Act is now incomprehensible to the average

person. As the Joint Committee on Taxation of the Canadian

Bar Association and the Canadian Institute of Chartered

Accountants, in addressing the House of Commons Committee on

Finance and Economic Affairs, said:

“For any taxpayer to pick up some of this legislation we

are looking at today and understand how these rules are going to

impact on him when he sits down to fill out his tax return is

almost impossible.

There is no quick fix to the complexity issue. It is a very

long-term problem, but I fear that the Government’s priority

for tax simplification has fallen down to the bottom of the various

objectives set out for tax reform.”

Tax professionals have abandoned any hope of tax simplification.

In 1997, for example, the Report of the Technical Committee on

Business Taxation reported:3

“(I)n a complex society that is part of a world economy,

where the form and processes of business activities are

increasingly sophisticated, and where the tax system is also used

for purposes other than raising revenue, it is unrealistic to

expect our tax system to be simple.”

That was in 1997. Today, in 2021, as we engage in digital

technology that crosses national boundaries, the size, scope and

complexity of our tax rules is exponentially greater. International

tax bureaucrats of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development (OECD), a club of 37 advanced economies, must balance

the politics of numerous states. They endeavour to reach

“consensus” on higher rates and new taxes, which results

in even more complex legislation (See, for example, the latest

effort in the Multilateral Instrument (MLI), which came

into effect in 2020). Their latest mission is to reach consensus on

global digital taxation.

Tax treaties are generally structured to allocate corporate

profits based on where the corporation creates value in bricks and

mortar economies. However, modern multinationals corporations

(MNCs) — particularly those with digital offerings, such as,

Amazon, Facebook and Google — can sell their products across

borders in ways that leave little taxable profit in the country

where their products are consumed.

Hence, the battle between technology companies and the new wave

of digital taxation. The U.S., on January 6, 2021, the U.S. imposed

tariffs on $1.3 billion of French imports,

including cosmetics and handbags. Washington has pending

investigations that could lead to similar tariffs on 10 other

countries, including the U.K., Italy, India and Spain.

Regardless of the ultimate outcome, taxpayers must live with the

complexity of domestic tax statutes and international tax treaties.

They pay for professional advice to comply with the ever-changing

law, and then pay legal counsel to resolve their disputes in the

courts. Tax litigation is slow, arduous, and expensive. Tax

litigation can drag on for 10-15 years.

Hence, the unpleasantness of taxes.


1. The Westminster system is a parliamentary system of

government modelled after that which developed in the United

Kingdom. The term comes from the Palace of Westminster, the seat of

the British Parliament. The system is a collective series of

procedures for operating a legislature.

2. Up from 2,000 pages since 2004.

3. Report of the Technical Committee on Business Taxation

(December 1997), A Report to the Minister of Finance, at


The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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