Bolonia Abogacía promotes a brand new line of enterprise

The Sevillian firm, Bolonia Abogacía, is promoting a new line of business that offers comprehensive and decisive advice to companies, professionals and private individuals.

Nowadays, the team is made up of seven long-standing professionals but, as the process is expanding, the incorporation of new professionals in specific areas is planned. Likewise, the firm has strategic alliances, at local and national level, from which the different areas of law they offer are nourished.

The service offered by Bolonia Abogacía to companies seeks to promote transversality and provide specific legal solutions to the client’s needs, such as data protection, commercial and corporate law, fiscal and tax law, labour and human resources, intellectual property, industrial property and trademarks, administrative law, among many others.

According to the firm’s professionals, 2022 presents several legal challenges of great interest, such as the labour reform, the reform and application of various laws for the support of people with disabilities or the reform and application of the legal regime for animals.

Bolonia Abogacía promotes a new line of business

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