Ga. Judges say Stadion Co. is tax exempt for $ 1.5 billion

Law360 (Jun. 1, 2021, 3:36 p.m. EDT) – The company that rents the $ 1.5 billion Mercedes-Benz stadium in Atlanta doesn't have to pay $ 26 million per year property taxes, said the Georgia Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Judges said the Atlanta Falcons Stadium Co. LLC's interest in the state-owned stadium was a non-taxable "usufruct" or right to use someone else's property and upheld the dismissal of a proposed class action lawsuit brought by Fulton County taxpayers against the Chamber of Tax Advisors of the district. The court failed to determine whether state law exempting the Georgia World Congress Center Authority stadium owner from taxation was unconstitutional.

The state Supreme Court ordered taxpayers …

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