How they voted in state legislature | Information

House Bill 4568, Cut state income tax $2.5 billion: Passed 22 to 14 in the Senate

To cut the state income tax rate from 4.25% to 4.0%; authorize a $500 nonrefundable child tax credit; increase the amount the state adds on to a federal earned income tax credit for low-income households that owe no taxes, from 6% to 20% of the federal amount; increase the income tax exemption for individuals age 67 and above from $20,000 to $21,800; authorize tax credits for disabled veterans, and more. The Senate Fiscal Agency estimates the bill would save taxpayers around $2.5 billion annually.

34th Dist. State Sen. Jon

35th Dist. Stat Sen. Curt

VanderWall, R-Ludington, yes

House Bill 4232, Lower age to sell or serve alcohol: Passed 25 to 11 in the Senate

To change a law that prohibits a person younger than age 18 from selling or serving alcoholic drinks. The bill would lower the minimum age to 17.

Senate Bill 1023, Mandate certain merchant disclosures on eBay type sites: Passed 37 to 0 in the Senate

To amend the Michigan Consumer Protection Act to prescribe detailed disclosures that “high-volume third-party sellers” would have to make to an online marketplace (like eBay) to disclose the seller’s full name, full physical address, a working phone number and email address, whether the seller makes, imports or resells consumer products and more. With House Bills 5885 and 5486 this bill appears targeted at larger merchants who present themselves as individuals on sites like eBay.

House Bill 4568, Grant taxpayers $500 “inflation relief payment”: Passed 69 to 34 in the House

To revise the state income tax law to authorize a $500 per household “inflation relief payment” plus an extra $100 per dependent, which would be given to households that filed a state income tax return for 2021. This is part of the $2.5 billion Republican income tax cut proposal represented by the “S-1” version of this bill passed by the state Senate on the same day, described above, which the House is expected to approve with some amendments.

100th Dist. State House Rep. Scott VanSingel, R-Grant, yes

101st Dist. State House Rep. Jack O’Malley, R-Lake Ann, yes

House Bill 6019, Investigate expanding nuclear power to generate electricity: Passed 85 to 20 in the House

To require the Michigan Public Services Commission to do a feasibility study on expanding nuclear power generation in the state.

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