Lawyer and college lecturer in Tax Regulation Ignacio Álvarez, founds Heber Companions

Thursday, 2 June 2022, 18:20

Hailing from the prestigious international law firm Dentons, Ignacio has advised international investment funds, private equity firms, insurance companies and high net worth individuals on tax-relevant transactions. He is also a university lecturer in Tax Law at Alfonso X El Sabio University and co-author of «Manual de compra de deuda en España», a guide to debt purchase in Spain.

Heber Partners was created with the aim of providing tax advice to investment funds, servicers, investors, companies, high net worth individuals and individuals, both residents and non-residents, in real estate transactions, M&A, estate planning, inheritance, tax proceedings and tax litigation, as well as participating in the main transactions carried out in the province of Malaga.

Why did you decide to establish Heber Partners in Marbella and Málaga rather than in Madrid?

There are many variables to take into account when making this type of decision, but I would say that it has mainly been due to the promising outlook there is in the whole province of Málaga from the point of view of the provision of specialised legal services.

What sort of services does Heber Partners offer?

We provide specialised tax advice for projects, such as implementing a tax structure for the acquisition of a company or an office building, tax planning for company or family assets, advising on corporate restructuring, planning an inheritance or defending the interests of a taxpayer in a tax audit.

What type of customer is Heber Partners intended for?

At Heber Partners we target investment funds, servicers, investors, companies, family offices and individuals, both resident and non-resident, who need a lawyer with experience in the tax analysis of complex transactions in order to identify tax efficient options.

Does Heber Partners handle every aspect of tax matters?

No. For the sake of efficiency, Heber Partners does not provide companies with day-to-day advice on invoicing, bookkeeping, preparation of tax returns, etc.

However, we do provide advice on the important issues that arise during the tax year and we review the substantial magnitudes such as, for example, Corporate Income Tax expense.

Operations have not just tax implications, but also implications in other areas of law. How does Heber Partners cover this client necessity?

Yes, they do. This type of project requires involvement of lawyers from other specialities (Real Estate, Banking & Finance, M&A, inheritance law, etc.). To cover complementary areas to tax law, we collaborate with lawyers who are specialists in each of the areas of law that the project requires.

In any case, Heber Partners assumes the responsibility and leadership of the project, as well as the coordination with our collaborators (our «partners»).

How do you choose your partners?

We mainly use two variables: professional career and project credentials. Our partners are mostly lawyers trained in prestigious national and international law firms, professors and PhDs in law and economics, as well as university lecturer.

In addition, they must have sufficient credentials in the project in question to be able to compete in a pitch with any firm.

What level of specialisation do your partners have?

Our partners are lawyers who focus exclusively on the area of law in which they collaborate with us. For example, our Real Estate partner advises only in the area of real estate law and not in other areas affecting the transaction.

Is Heber Partners a multidisciplinary law firm?

No. Heber Partners is a law firm specialising exclusively in tax law. In other words, we only advise on matters that have a relevant tax component.

As we have been saying, if the transaction requires the involvement of lawyers from other areas of law, we collaborate with other professionals, but if the matter does not have a tax component, Heber Partners does not take part in the transaction.

More information:


Avd. Ricardo Soriano, 29, 3º, 4 29601.


Plaza de la Marina, 2, 4º, 1 29015.

Teléfono: +34 660 921 045

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