Letters to the editor: Trident; Democracy; taxes; local weather

Reynold Ruslan Feldman: Normalcy: ‘Tridentine Mass’, Amen!

I woke up this morning with a Schnappsidee, the great German expression for the kind of inspiration that could (usually) only come from a few glasses too many of, well, schnapps. I invited Cedar, my hardworking New England wife, to a Monday-morning coffee at the Trident. Now the Trident is Boulder’s iconic West Pearl Street ‘60s café, still known today among established Boulderites as the place where all the hippies resettled here from elsewhere would spend their mornings exchanging wisdoms and shaking their long, greying hair. Those folks still attend, remaining hair shorter these days, but so do the occasional students from C.U. and everyone else in between.

Before Covid, Cedar and I would get up early Sunday morning and go for our large half-caf mochas with whip and a delicious baked good about 90 minutes before the 9:15 service at St. John’s. I referred to this earlier religious experience as our “Tridentine Mass.” The regulars would already be there. Cedar and I would inevitably descend into some version of Deep Thoughts. Then we’d be off to church.

Once Covid hit, of course, no more Trident for us. Now 15 months later it was time to return. It’s hard to describe how happy we both felt doing so. A beautiful late-spring day. Boulder’s front range, the Flatirons, looking more beautiful than ever. No more masks. And the Trident! Crystal, our favorite barista, showed up with a big smile and even bigger hugs for us both. She is a co-owner now. Just before the pandemic hit, the aging owner had sold the Trident to its mainly young staff. She looked great. We felt great. With Covid winding down, little things mean a lot. And this was just such a big little thing. Thank you, Universe! Amen.

Reynold Ruslan Feldman


David Cook: Our freedoms: We’re in serious trouble

Those in positions of power have been subverting and tearing down the foundations of American

freedom and liberty for some time.  It has become blatantly obvious most recently with obvious election fraud at the highest level, illegal laws and policies at all levels, and more you know well.   So, what can the people being subjugated do ?   That is the question isn’t’ it.  In the United States, we have a solution at our foundation.  In the Declaration of Independence, the supreme law of the land exists.  However, if government ignores that law and their duty in it, We the People have a right of redress and solution read it for yourself.  “We hold these truths self-evident … that if government becomes destructive of these ends ( see “that “s 1-4) it is the right of the people to alter or abolish…and replace”.  We have the acknowledged greatest government foundation in history next to God’s.  It is the people in it, the Officials that are the problem and they must be made accountable or we have no government. Only slavery and servitude to them.   So, we had better get busy with an accountability revolution, if we want our freedom back, hadn’t we? – or else?!

David Cook

National and Colorado Coordinator

Center for Government Accountability


Angelo Barr: Tax increases: We’ve had enough

We have all received our new valuation from the Assessor’s office for property tax purposes. I assume your valuation increased and it probably varies by areas. Our increased a little over 10%. We have lived in this house for over 30 years and hopefully many more. The problem is as taxes increase it puts more and more pressure on families who have lived in their homes for many years and are retired as to what they might be forced to do. Selling their homes and moving out of Boulder or biting the bullet and cutting back on expenses to cover the ever increasing property tax. Maybe those people who spend our tax money should reevaluate how money is spent and cut back on budgets like many may be forced to do. On another note if you missed it a couple of days ago in the paper the Colorado Courts ruled that school districts can increase property taxes without voter approval. I may have misunderstood the article but I don’t think so. It seems to me that in the Boulder area if there is an issue with money the way to correct is to tax it. Property taxes are getting out of control!!

Angelo Barr


Arden Buck: Climate upheaval: Is there hope?

What can be done to address the climate emergency? A lot, it turns out. There is a welcome upsurge of public awareness and concern, and more people are changing their lifestyles in response. But strong government action is also essential.

Most of the necessary knowledge and technologies are already here. A major climate program can create new jobs and boost our economy. However, to make it happen soon enough requires a huge shift in political will and a serious initial investment. Biden’s plan is a start, but not nearly enough to avert major chaos; his proposed measures are far too little and far too slow.

Public pressure on politicians to commit to serious action is required, and it is building. But much more is needed, and quickly. To add your energy to this crucial effort, check out these groups that have organized to help us increase that pressure: citizensclimatelobby.org; 350.org; theclimatemobilization.org; colivableclimate.org; sunrisemovement.org; and earthguardians.org. The last two are youth-centered but also welcome adults. Most have chapters in Boulder. You can also urge organizations to which you belong to weigh in.

So, there is indeed hope. We can’t avoid a climate upheaval, but we can add our energy to the effort to reduce its impact.

Arden Buck




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