Polish motorists block petrol station in protest of excessive gas costs – EURACTIV.com

Protests began in Poland as fuel prices reached historical highs, and experts predict further rises due to the EU oil embargo on Russia, local media report.

Fuel prices in Poland are now at their highest since 2000. The price of PB95, the most commonly used petrol, averaged 7.62 zlotys per litre (€1.66).

These prices have already caused some unrest. In the town of Bielsko-Biała on Sunday, several drivers who pretended their cars had broken down blocked a petrol station of the partially state-owned PKN Orlen fuel company, local media reported.

Last week, President Andrzej Duda signed a major amendment to the VAT Act prolonging the so-called “anti-inflation shield” which means that the lower excise tax rates introduced in February for some fuels will remain in place until the end of July.

However, experts predict further increases in fuel prices. “There is every indication that Pb95 petrol will soon approach 8 zlotys/litre (about €1.7),” says e-petrol.pl.

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