Pune, January 8, 2021: The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has decided to discontinue property tax rebate of 3081 residential societies that are not property maintaining vermicomposting, rainwater harvesting, and solar water heating units.
The PMC introduced rain harvesting, compost pit, and solar panel system under the Eco-housing project scheme. The scheme was introduced in 2008. PMC had started giving a 5 to 10 percent rebate on property tax.
At present, there are 75038 establishments taking advantage of rebates. During the inspection, the corporation has found that 3081 establishments are not properly taking care of units. Most establishments are not following corporation instructions to recycle wet garbage on their premises.
Dr Kunal Khemnar, Additional Municipal Commissioner said, “As per Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management rule-2000, it is mandatory for bulk waste generators to process wet garbage at source. This law has been implemented across the state. Corporation had made an appeal frequently before imposing a fine.”
“If societies or establishments don’t follow it, the corporation will take action and charge Rs 5,000 to first-timers, after giving notices if the corporation finds, society is not following it, the corporation will charge Rs 10,000. On the third notice, the corporation will charge Rs 15000. Despite three notices and fines, society or establishment that continues to disobey the rules will be charged Rs 15,000 each time”, he added.
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