Supreme Court docket In CIC Providers LLC v. IRS Permits Materials Advisor To Search Pre-Enforcement Injunctive Aid In opposition to IRS – Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration

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On May 17, 2021, in CIC Services LLC v. Internal

Revenue Service, a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court held that the

Anti-Injunction Act (AIA) does not bar an action challenging the

validity of a notice issued by the IRS that imposed information

reporting requirements and which sought to enforce the requirements

through the imposition of tax penalties. The Court reversed a Sixth

Circuit decision that had applied longstanding Supreme Court

precedent barring, with only a few exceptions, suits seeking

injunctive relief against the Treasury Department and IRS. The

Court reasoned that the action could proceed because it should be

viewed as seeking to enjoin an information reporting requirement

and not the collection of the tax penalty that could be imposed for


The Supreme Court clarified several years ago that

administrative law principles generally apply with equal force to

federal tax law. Accordingly, many observers anticipated that the

Court would take the occasion to clarify when pre-enforcement suits

can be brought to challenge the validity of Treasury regulations

and IRS published guidance, as the principles of administrative law

are in some ways in tension with the AIA. Pre-enforcement

challenges under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) are common

in other administrative law contexts; but the AIA has been

interpreted historically to limit the availability of such

challenges in tax matters. Hence, many observers expected the Court

in CIC Services to narrow its interpretation of

the AIA in a manner that would allow more pre-enforcement

challenges and bring the tax law more into line with administrative

law, which is precisely what the Court has done.

At the same time, while CIC

Services represents a significant victory for the

financial advisory firm that brought the suit (and similarly

situated advisory firms), the Supreme Court’s reasoning leaves

important issues unaddressed. While it does make clear that certain

types of pre-enforcement challenges to tax regulations can survive

the AIA, it does not fully address the interplay between the

provision for pre-enforcement judicial review of agency action

under the APA with the bar to injunctive relief in certain types of

tax cases under the AIA, ensuring that further litigation will



In Notice 2016-66, the IRS identified certain so-called

“micro-captive” insurance arrangements as potentially

abusive and, therefore, subject to reporting under the

“reportable transaction”

regime.1 Pursuant to that regime, Notice 2016-66

requires a taxpayer’s “material advisors”—i.e.,

entities that earned income from providing the taxpayers with

“aid, assistance, or advice” with respect to such a

transaction—to file disclosure statements describing the

transactions in detail.2 A failure to supply

information regarding a reportable transaction can result in the

imposition of a $50,000 civil penalty on the material

advisor.3 In addition, a material advisor who does

not furnish, on request, a list of all the taxpayers it advised on

a reportable transaction can incur a penalty at the rate of $10,000

per day.4 Both of these penalties are deemed

“taxes” for purposes of the Internal Revenue

Code—including the AIA.5 Moreover, in

addition to these civil penalties, the willful breach of the

information reporting requirements is a criminal misdemeanor,

punishable by fines and up to one year in prison.6

CIC Services provided services to taxpayers engaging in

micro-captive transactions which made it a material advisor under

the reportable transaction regime. While complying with the

regime’s reporting requirements (and thus without incurring any

penalties), CIC Services brought suit in U.S. district court

challenging the validity of Notice 2016-66 on two grounds. First,

CIC Services asserted that the IRS, in issuing the notice, had

failed to provide an opportunity for notice and public comment and,

thus, had violated the APA. Second, CIC Services alleged that the

notice is arbitrary and capricious under the APA because it imposed

new reporting obligations without any proven need. As relief, CIC

Services sought a court order setting aside the notice and

enjoining its enforcement as an unlawful rule.

In the district court, the government filed a motion to dismiss

based on the AIA. The government argued that the relief requested

would prevent the IRS from assessing a tax penalty against material

advisors that disregard the notice’s reporting requirements in

violation of the AIA, which provides that “no suit for the

purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax

shall be maintained in any court by any

person.”7 The government argued that CIC

Service’s suit fell within the terms of the AIA and did not

satisfy the requirements of any judicially created exceptions to

the AIA. The district court agreed with the government and

dismissed the action.8

On appeal, the Sixth Circuit affirmed in a 2-1

decision.9 According to the majority, the relevant

question under the Supreme Court’s decisions in Bob

Jones University and Alexander v. “Americans United”,

Inc., was whether the relief sought would “necessarily

preclude” the collection of taxes within the meaning of the

AIA.10 The Sixth Circuit majority held that CIC

Service’s suit violated the AIA because an invalidation of the

notice would “necessarily” invalidate penalties that are

deemed taxes.11 The dissent disagreed, concluding

that “a suit to enjoin a reporting requirement is not” a

suit to restrain the collection of tax.12 A

petition for rehearing en banc was denied over a

dissent signed by seven judges.

Supreme Court Opinion

Justice Kagan’s Opinion for the Court

In an opinion written by Justice Kagan, the Supreme Court held

that the AIA did not bar the injunctive relief sought by CIC

Services, stating: “A reporting requirement is not a tax; and

a suit brought to set aside such a rule is not one to enjoin a

tax’s assessment or collection.”13 The

Court found so even though the information reporting requirement

imposed on CIC Services was designed to “help the IRS bring in

future tax revenues—here, by identifying sham insurance


The Supreme Court relied in substantial part on its relatively

recent decision in Direct Marketing Assn. v. Brohl,

which allowed out-of-state retailers to seek injunctive relief

preventing enforcement of a Colorado requirement that such

retailers report sales to state

residents.15 Similar to the AIA, the Tax Inunction

Act bars suits brought in federal court to restrain the

“assessment, levy and collection” of state taxes, and the

two statutes have historically been interpreted in the same manner.

The Court acknowledged that Direct Marketing did

not involve an information reporting requirement backed up by a

statutory penalty deemed a “tax.” Nevertheless, the Court

found that, as in Direct Marketing, the purpose of

the lawsuit was the decisive factor. In this regard, the Court

viewed CIC Services, like the out-of-state retailers

in Direct Marketing, as seeking injunctive relief

from a reporting mandate, not a tax.16 The Court

deliberately directed its attention to the face of CIC

Service’s complaint rather than its subjective purpose in

bringing the suit.17

The Court rejected the government’s argument that an

injunction against a notice is the same as an injunction against

the tax penalty.18 Three aspects of the reportable

transaction regime refute this notion, according to the Court.

First, the reporting required under Notice 2016-66 inflicts

substantial compliance costs separate and apart from the statutory

tax penalty that in many instances would exceed the tax penalties

for a violation. Second, there are several steps between the

upstream reporting requirement and the downstream tax penalty,

which Justice Kagan likened to a “long river.” Third, the

violation of the notice is punishable not only by a civil penalty,

but also by separate criminal penalties.19

Lastly, the Court did not accept the government’s argument

that allowing CIC Services to proceed would open the

“floodgates” for a “wave” of suits seeking

pre-enforcement injunctive relief from regulatory action. The Court

observed that the present suit “contests, and seeks relief

from, a separate legal mandate,” whereas the type of case

contemplated by the government’s floodgates argument involves

“a conflict over taxes, whether on earning income, or selling

stock, or entering into a business

transaction.”20 The Court also clarified that

its holding does not reflect a return to previously abandoned case

law that differentiated between regulatory taxes and

revenue-raising taxes and allowed pre-enforcement challenges to be

brought against the former. The AIA, the Court observed,

“draws no distinction between regulatory and revenue raising

tax rules.”21

Concurrences by Justice Sotomayor and Justice Kavanagh

Two justices wrote brief concurrences. Justice Sotomayor wrote

separately to highlight that the answer to the question of whether

the AIA bars injunctive relief “might be different if CIC

Services were a taxpayer instead of a tax

advisor.”22 In particular, she noted that

taxpayers who have similar reporting requirements to those of a

material advisor face a choice between providing information that

may be used by the IRS and refusing to provide such information and

paying a noncompliance penalty. She expressed doubt as to whether a

taxpayer could challenge an information reporting requirement and

be viewed as not seeking to restrain the collection of


Justice Kavanagh wrote separately to underscore his view of the

impact of the decision on Alexander v. “Americans

United” Inc.24 and Bob Jones

University v. Simon,25 the cases relied upon

by the Sixth Circuit. In this regard, he noted, the Court held that

“if a pre-enforcement suit would ‘necessarily

preclude’ the assessment or collection of a tax, that suit is

barred by the Act and the taxpayer needs to bring a refund suit

after paying the tax.”26 In his view, the

“sweeping language” of those cases, which has been

repeatedly invoked by lower courts in dismissing pre-enforcement

challenges, “instruct(s) courts to look at the effects of a

suit” rather than the purposes of the

suit.27 He observed that the Sixth Circuit’s

decision in CIC Services was consistent with the

broad prohibition on pre-enforcement challenges. In reversing the

Sixth Circuit, he noted, the Court was in effect carving out a new

exception for “pre-enforcement suits challenging regulations

backed by tax penalties.”28 He appeared to

view this as a positive development in that “the broad

‘effects’ rule articulated in those decisions is hard to

square with the text of the (AIA), which bars only a

pre-enforcement ‘suit for the purpose of restraining the

assessment or collection of tax.'”29


The Supreme Court’s decision in CIC

Services is as interesting for what it did not address as

what it addressed. This is true in at least two respects. First,

while the Court relied on Direct Marketing for

its analysis of the purpose of CIC Service’s complaint, the

Court did not embrace the in-depth textual and historical analysis

of the terms “assessment” and “collection”

reflected in the reasoning of that case. In Direct

Marketing, the Court concluded that those terms refer to

discrete phases that occur after the information gathering phases

of the taxation administration process.30 The Court

drew no such clear distinction here.

After Direct Marketing, many observers expected

that the Court would eventually apply a similar analysis to the

language in the AIA. Indeed, in a closely followed case brought by

the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2017 challenging an

“anti-inversion” temporary Treasury regulation, a U.S.

district court applied the reasoning of Direct

Marketing in holding that the suit was not barred by the

AIA. The district court concluded that the Chamber of

Commerce’s suit was not seeking to restrain the assessment or

collection of tax, but instead sought to challenge the validity of

a rule so its members could decide whether to engage in future

transactions that would be affected by the


But the Court in CIC Services did not apply

the same reasoning concerning the meaning of the terms

“assessment” and “collection” that it applied

in Direct Marketing. Instead, the Court articulated a narrower

holding that focused on CIC Service’s purpose in challenging

the substantive and procedural validity of the information

reporting mandate imposed by Notice 2016-66 as distinct from a

particular tax. Justice Sotomayor’s concurrence appears aimed,

at least in part, at signaling that the Court’s opinion should

not be read as a broad endorsement of pre-enforcement challenges to

Treasury regulations or other IRS guidance. Justice Kavanagh’s

concurrence also confirms the narrowness of the opinion in

characterizing it as merely carving out an exception

to Americans United and Bob Jones

University, though he seems to contemplate the possibility of

a future judicial reappraisal of the AIA’s text consistent

with Direct Marketing.

Second, in addition to not examining the full implications

of Direct Marketing, the Court implicitly declined to

address two other elephants in the room—namely, the role of

the APA in the review of Treasury regulations and other IRS

guidance and the related notion of “tax exceptionalism.”

APA provides that “(a) person suffering legal wrong because of

agency action . . . is entitled to judicial review

thereof.”32 Outside the tax arena, immediate

challenges to regulatory guidance is the norm under the APA (and

many administrative law statutes). Indeed, the Supreme Court has

held that affected parties generally “need not await

enforcement proceedings before challenging final agency action

(under the APA) where such proceedings carry the risk of serious

criminal and civil penalties” absent a showing of clear and

convincing evidence of contrary congressional

intent.33 Not only did CIC Services make this point

on brief and at oral argument, but the dissenting Sixth Circuit

judge and several amicus curiae did as well.

Despite the extensive airing of this issue, the Court did not

make any explicit attempt to harmonize the provision for

pre-enforcement review under the APA with the bar to injunctive

relief under the AIA. This silence seems to run contrary to the

Court’s pronouncement in Mayo Found. for Med. Educ.

& Research v. United States, that “(i)n the absence

of (special) justification, we are not inclined to carve out an

approach to administrative review good for tax law

only.”34 While the text of the AIA certainly

indicates that some justification exists for an exception to APA

review relating to the “assessment” and

“collection” of tax, the question is what is the extent

of the carveout of APA review. In light of Direct

Marketing, it seems reasonable to say that any carveout to

pre-enforcement challenges under the APA should be limited to the

“assessment” and “collection” phases of tax

administration relating to a particular taxpayer. Apparently, the

Court concluded that such a detailed discussion of the AIA and its

relationship to the APA would best be postponed for another



Although the Supreme Court did not take up the challenge of

reconciling the AIA and the APA, it did not foreclose the

possibility that it might do so in the future. In the meantime,

lower courts will likely be forced to wrestle with these important

yet unresolved issues as taxpayers and other affected parties

continue to bring challenges to the validity of Treasury

regulations and IRS published guidance.


1 Notice 2016-66, 2016–47 C. B. 745.

2 Id. at 748.

3 IRC §§ 6707(b)).

4 IRC §§ 6708(a), 6112(a).

5 IRC § 6671(a).

6 IRC § 7203.

7 IRC § 7421(a).

8 CIC Services LLC v. Internal Revenue Service,

2017 WL 5015510 (E.D. Tenn., Nov. 2, 2017).

9 CIC Services LLC v. Internal Revenue Service,

925 F. 3d 247 (6th Cir. 2019).

10 Id.  at 253 (quoting and

citing Bob Jones Univ. v. Simon, 416 U.S. 725 (1974)

and Alexander v. “Americans United”, Inc.,

416 U.S. 752 (1974)).

11 Id. at 258. The majority relied heavily

upon then-Judge Kavanagh’s opinion in Fla. Bankers

Ass’n v. U.S. Dep’t of Treasury, 799 F.3d 1065 (D.C.

Cir. 2015). See infra  n.27.

12 Id. at 259–60 (Nalbandian, J.,

dissenting) (emphasis in original).

13 Slip Op. at 6.

14 Id.

15 Direct Marketing Assn. v. Brohl, 575 U.S. 1

(2015). As the Court observed, at issue in Direct

Marketing  was the scope of the Tax Injunction Act, which

bars injunctive relief with respect to state tax collection and

which is modeled on the AIA. Slip Op. at 6 n.1.

16 Slip Op. 7–8.

17 Id.  at 7.

18 Id. at 9.

19 Id.  at 10–13.

20 Id.  at 13–14.

21 Id. at 15.

22 Id.  at 1 (Sotomayor, J.,


23 Id.

24 416 U.S. 752 (1974).

25 416 U.S. 725 (1974).

26 Id.  at 1 (Kavanagh, J.,


27 Id. While sitting on the D.C. Circuit,

then Judge Kavanagh wrote the opinion in one such case, which was

decided 2-1 and issued shortly after the Supreme Court’s

decision in Direct Marketing. See Fla.

Bankers Ass’n v. U.S. Dep’t of Treasury, 799 F.3d 1065

(D.C. Cir. 2015). The dissenting judge expressed the view that the

reasoning in Direct Marketing  with regard to

the meaning of “assessment” and “collection”

should be applied to the AIA. See id. at

1072–76 (Henderson, J., dissenting).

28 Id.  at 2.

29 Id.

30 Direct Mktg., 575 U.S. at 8–10.

31 Chamber of Commerce of the U.S. v. Internal

Revenue Service, No. 1:16-CV-944-LY, 2017 WL 4682050 (W.D.

Tex. Oct. 6, 2017) (“Here, Plaintiffs do not seek to restrain

assessment or collection of a tax against or from them or one of

their members. Rather, Plaintiffs challenge the validity of the

Rule so that a reasoned decision can be made about whether to

engage in a potential future transaction that would subject them to

taxation under the Rule.”), appeal dismissed,

No. 17-51063, 2018 WL 3946143 (5th Cir. July 26, 2018).

32 5 U.S.C. 702.

33 U.S. Army Corps of Eng’rs v. Hawkes Co.,

136 S. Ct. 1807, 1815 (2016) (quotations omitted); see

also Abbott Labs. v. Gardner, 387 U.S. 136, 14–41, 153


34 Mayo Found. for Med. Educ. & Research v.

United States, 562 U.S. 44, 55 (2011).

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