The Final Vacation spot Rule- Retaining Ohio’s CAT In Examine – Tax

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Imagine that you are the chief financial officer of an

aftermarket automotive parts company named SupplyCo. SupplyCo is

headquartered in Missouri and its only facilities are in that

state. Your products are delivered directly to your

customers’ distribution centers in several U.S. states,

including Ohio, via common carrier. SupplyCo’s customer

contracts are all entered into out of state. In each instance,

customers pay for the freight charges and sales are made free on

board origin, meaning that title and risk of loss transfer to your

customer at your warehouse docks in Missouri. You are aware that

your products are primarily delivered to customers’

distribution centers in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and are later

transported from these distribution centers to your

customers’ retail stores in all 50 states — with only

about 4 percent of the products staying in Ohio.1

For state income tax purposes, you have always treated these

sales as Missouri sales (that is, cost of performance) or sales in

the state of the customer’s contract location (that is,

market-based sourcing). That is why you are surprised to receive an

audit commencement letter from Ohio referencing the commercial

activity tax (CAT). The letter not only suggests that you are

subject to the CAT, but also implies penalties, interest, and an

audit period going back to the CAT’s enactment in 2005. You

have never filed for the CAT before, so this is all new to you.

As an unsuspecting victim of Ohio’s CAT, you are now left


  1. How can Ohio tax SupplyCo given its lack of activities in the

  2. What can I do to reduce this tax?

The first question is what we are asked over and over as

practitioners — often phrased as: “How is this

constitutional?” Based on how Ohio courts have evaluated this

issue in Crutchfield 

and Greenscapes,2 and based on the

U.S. Supreme Court’s decision

in Wayfair,3 Ohio appears to have the

authority to levy a gross-receipts-based tax on goods that have a

physical connection with the state (for example, shipped into the

state), regardless of the taxpayer’s lack of other

connections with the state. Based on this precedent, it appears

that this issue would need to be altered legislatively or ruled

upon by the Court for a meaningful change to occur.4 For example, a

taxpayer may still argue that it has not purposefully availed

itself of the Ohio marketplace, and thus taxation would violate the

fundamental fairness mandated by the Ohio and U.S. due process

clauses. A taxpayer may also argue that the Ohio CAT statutes do

not contain the same taxpayer protections as Wayfair, such as

adherence to uniform standards like the Streamlined Sales and Use

Tax Agreement. However, constitutional law is not typically fast

moving, as evidenced by the time between Wayfair and the prior

Supreme Court cases it overruled, Quill and Bellas Hess.5

Rather than address the constitutionality of the CAT, this

article will help address the second question and provide practical

solutions for mitigating your tax exposure through an analysis of

Ohio’s ultimate destination rule for sourcing sales of

tangible personal property.


The CAT is imposed at a flat 0.26 percent rate on all gross

receipts sourced (or sitused)6 to Ohio beyond a limited exemption

and alternative minimum tax amount. Gross receipts taxes like the

CAT are becoming more common across the United States.7 The CAT is

different from your traditional state corporate income tax for two

main reasons. First, it is imposed on gross receipts, not net

income, and therefore applies even if you are operating at a loss

or at very low margins. Second, because the CAT is not a net income

tax, taxpayers are not afforded the immunity from state and local

taxation offered by Public Law 86-272. In fact, the CAT uses the

following bright-line nexus threshold:

  • property in Ohio with an aggregate value of at least

  • payroll in Ohio of at least $50,000; or
  • taxable gross receipts in Ohio of at least


Notably, this disjunctive nexus test means that taxpayers can

trigger nexus if they only have sufficient sales sourced to Ohio in

excess of $500,000 in any one year.

Despite its low rate of taxation, CAT assessments can add up

quickly because of (i) the lack of deductions (for example, cost of

goods sold), (ii) the penalties of up to 50 percent plus

interest,9 and (iii) a 10-year limitations period

for nonfilers.10

Sourcing Sales of Tangible Personal Property and The Ultimate

Destination Rule

In the earlier hypothetical scenario, SupplyCo sales of

automotive parts would be considered tangible personal property.

Under O.R.C. 5751.033(E), Ohio law requires the following for the

sourcing of tangible personal property:

Gross receipts from the sale of tangible personal property shall

be sitused to this state if the property is received in this state

by the purchaser. In the case of delivery of tangible personal

property by motor carrier or by other means of transportation, the

place at which such property is ultimately

after all

has been completed shall be

considered the place where the purchaser receives the

property. For purposes of this section, the phrase

“delivery of tangible personal property by motor carrier or

by other means of transportation” includes the situation in

which a purchaser accepts the property in this state and then

transports the property directly or by other means to a location

outside this state. Direct delivery in this state, other than for

purposes of transportation, to a person or firm designated by a

purchaser constitutes delivery to the purchaser in this state, and

direct delivery outside this state to a person or firm designated

by a purchaser does not constitute delivery to the purchaser in

this state, regardless of where title passes or other

conditions of sale. (Emphasis added.)

As is often the case in Ohio tax audits, the Department of

Taxation will attempt to simplistically source 100 percent of gross

receipts to the state based on where the taxpayer’s customer

first receives the property in Ohio even if the auditors know that

only a small percentage of the property stays in the state.

However, reading the statute holistically gives rise to the

ultimate destination rule, which states that “the place at

which such property is ultimately received 

after all transportation  has been completed

shall be considered the place where the purchaser receives the

property.” (Emphasis added.) Notably, the relevant situsing

provision neither says nor refers to the “first stop,”

“some transportation,” or “mere

transportation.” Instead, the statute focuses on the location

of the goods after “all transportation” has been

completed. Simply put, the correct analysis should be on the

ultimate destination of the property, not the initial delivery


Moreover, the situsing provision does not say that there cannot

be stops along the way, including repackaging or treatment of

products at those stops. In fact, the final clause of O.R.C.

section 5751.033(E) indicates that the ultimate destination of the

products will be determined without regard to where title passes or

“other conditions of sale.” Couldn’t a condition

of sale be that the purchaser handles part of the manufacturing,

assembly, or other processes? It seems possible, as the intent of

the statute is to tax businesses based on where their products

ultimately end up.

Presumably, because the CAT is relatively new, the Department of

Taxation and General Assembly have offered little guidance and

refinement regarding the sourcing of tangible personal property.

However, Ohio courts and the Board of Tax Appeals (BTA) have

established precedent for the application of the ultimate

destination rule when evaluating a similar rule for purposes of the

corporation franchise tax (CFT).

The CFT was Ohio’s form of corporate income tax that began

to phase out for most taxpayers at the same time the CAT was phased

in (2005 to 2010).

O.R.C. 5733.05(B)(2)(c)(i) provided a similar ultimate

destination rule within the CFT regime:

Receipts from the sale of tangible personal property shall be

sitused to this state if such property is received in this state by

the purchaser. In the case of delivery of tangible personal

property by common carrier or by other means of

transportation, the place at which such property is

ultimately received after all transportation has been completed

shall be considered as the place at which such property is received

by the purchaser. (Emphasis added.)

The Ohio Supreme Court has recognized that the CFT and the CAT

have strong similarities in their purpose and

language.11 In Greenscapes 

(discussed later), the BTA also noted that “the commissioner,

both in the final determination, and again on appeal, cites

to Dupps Co. v. Lindley, 62 Ohio St.2d 305 (1980),

which analyzed a nearly identical statute situsing sales for

purposes of the corporation franchise tax, i.e., R.C.

5733.05(B)(2)(c).”12 Therefore, because the

tax commissioner and the Ohio courts have cited to previous CFT

cases for sourcing authority, prior cases involving the CFT’s

ultimate destination rule clearly have at least some persuasive

value to courts faced with applying the CAT’s similar


Trilogy of CFT Cases Interpreting the Ultimate Destination


Three cases are particularly insightful in determining how sales

of tangible personal property should be sourced under the CAT for

purposes of the ultimate destination rule: House of

Seagram Inc., Dupps Co., and Loral

Corporation v. Limbach.13

In House of Seagram, the Ohio Department of Liquor

Control purchased liquor from House of Seagram at its place of

business in New York. Seagram delivered the liquor in New York to a

common carrier designated by the purchaser, and it was then brought

into Ohio and delivered to a warehouse owned by the purchaser. The

Ohio Supreme Court held that all products ultimately received in

Ohio after all transportation would be treated as “business

done in Ohio” and included in Seagram’s

Ohio-apportioned sales. The court also held, conversely, that when

an Ohio purchaser transports goods through Ohio on their way to

some ultimate destination outside the state, there is no delivery

to the purchaser in Ohio within the meaning of the CFT statute, and

those sales would not be considered business transacted in


Dupps Co.  involved an Ohio corporation that

manufactured heavy machinery and replacement parts for use in meat

processing, which it sold to customers in all 50 states and foreign

countries. Typically, the customer would be responsible for

shipment of the equipment from the Ohio plant. In computing its

franchise tax obligation under O.R.C. section 5733.05(B), Dupps

excluded from the sales factor of the formula its “customer

pick­up” sales — sales to non-Ohio customers, in

which the purchaser either used its own vehicles to transport the

equipment from its Ohio factory or hired private truckers to do the

same. The tax commissioner argued that the equipment should be

deemed “received in this state by the purchaser” if it

was picked up at the Ohio factory. As a result, the commissioner

argued that the customer pickups constituted Ohio sales. On appeal,

the Ohio Supreme Court rejected the tax commissioner’s

argument, holding that “since the equipment herein was

‘ultimately received’ outside of Ohio, such sales

should not have been included in the sales factor as business done

in this state.”14 Importantly for the

taxpayer in Dupps Co., it did not matter whose trucks

were used for transport; the key point was to focus on the

products’ ultimate destination after all transportation was


Loral  involved an out-of-state manufacturer and

vendor of electronic radar equipment for use on aircraft. The U.S.

Department of Defense purchased the equipment — with many of

the purchases passing through the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

in Dayton, Ohio. Much of the property would later be shipped from

the base to its final destination out of state.

Citing Dupps  and House of

Seagram, the BTA held that Loral was entitled to base its

taxation on the goods’ final destination, not their initial

delivery point in Ohio. The board ruled as follows:

Here, we expressly find that the record before this Board

includes uncontroverted testimony that the assessed property merely

entered Ohio in route to non-Ohio destinations. We cannot

accept (the tax commissioner’s) conclusion that the

transportation of the property was completed at the moment it

arrived at Wright-Patterson. The testimony before this Board

clearly indicates that the property was shipped from

Wright-Patterson to points outside of Ohio. (The commissioner)

did not produce any evidence which would cause this Board to

conclude that the later shipment of the goods from Wright-Patterson

was not a continuation  of the transportation

beginning at appellant’s New York facility. (Emphasis


This ruling explains that products can be held at an Ohio

distribution center for a period before the ultimate destination of

the products is determined. Moreover, if the Ohio distribution

center is a link in the continuous supply chain, then it may not be

appropriate to deem Ohio as the ultimate destination of those


It is unclear based on the BTA’s decision and published

sources as to who exactly testified before it; it could have been

someone from Loral or its purchaser, the Department of Defense.

Nevertheless, it is critical to note that the board accepted and

relied on testimony regarding the ultimate destination of the goods

in rendering its decision in favor of the taxpayer.

The Tax Commissioner’s Position on the Ultimate

Destination Rule

A taxpayer’s ability to provide testimony or evidence (at

a hearing or otherwise) on the final destination of its sales may

contradict the tax commissioner’s position on the ultimate

destination rule. Information Release CAT 2005­17 provides that

the location of the ultimate destination must be known by the

seller at the time of the sale. Despite the information

release’s position, the statute itself does not require that

the ultimate destination be known by the seller of tangible

personal property at the time of the sale. In fact, Ohio courts

have consistently held that information releases are nothing more

than the department’s position on an issue and are not to be

regarded as binding authority.15

The department’s position that the ultimate destination

must be known by the seller at the time of the sale is not only

unfounded in law, but it also creates an unworkable standard that

requires taxpayers to request and obtain records that typically

lack independent business purpose or value for the taxpayer,

frustrate customers, and increase the cost of doing business.

Further, this standard represents poor economic policy in that it

encourages taxpayers that have choices on where to ship their

products to not ship their products into Ohio distribution centers

or locations. This is the opposite of the intent of the Ohio tax

reform under which the CAT was enacted. That reform intended to

provide incentives for businesses to relocate into Ohio by

eliminating taxation of personal property and by repealing property

and payroll factors used for income-based taxes in favor of the

CAT. The authors are aware of a multinational corporation that

moved its Ohio distribution center to another state partially as a

result of Ohio’s position regarding the sourcing of tangible

personal property.

Recent CAT Cases Involving the Ultimate Destination Rule

The department’s position regarding the ultimate

destination rule has been challenged in several recent CAT cases.

But in each case, courts held that taxpayers were unsuccessful in

providing sufficient (or, in some cases, any) evidence regarding

the ultimate destination of their shipments. When insufficient

evidence is provided regarding the ultimate destination of a

shipment, Ohio will tax based on the initial delivery point. It

appears that the Department of Taxation could have cherry-picked

these cases and allowed them to go before the BTA because of the

lack of evidence. Unfortunately for other Ohio taxpayers, bad facts

generate bad precedent.

The recent cases of Greenscapes, Mia

Shoes, Henry, and Electrolux 

are examples of taxpayers providing apparently insufficient

evidence to rebut the department’s default position.

Greenscapes  was a Tenth District case on appeal

from the BTA, in which an out-of-state supplier of tangible

personal property was subject to the CAT despite having only sales

into the state and no physical presence. The taxpayer in this case

based its arguments on the constitutionality of the CAT from a due

process and commerce clause perspective. Relying on the precedents

of Crutchfield  and Wayfair 

together, the Tenth District held that the CAT and its bright-line

nexus standard were constitutional.

While Greenscapes  has been cited frequently for

its constitutional analysis, the factual and statutory issues are

often overlooked. The BTA and Tenth District opinions both

mentioned that Greenscapes had the opportunity to reduce its

Ohio-sourced gross receipts (and corresponding tax) by supplying

evidence regarding the ultimate destination of its goods.

Apparently, the Ohio auditor requested ultimate destination data

during the audit, but the taxpayer never provided it. The lack of

evidence and proof ultimately doomed the taxpayer

in Greenscapes.

Mia Shoes  was similar

to Greenscapes. The BTA affirmed an out-of-state

footwear wholesaler’s CAT assessment, finding that the tax

was properly assessed because the taxpayer failed to prove that the

goods shipped into Ohio warehouses were ultimately received

anywhere other than in Ohio. Citing Greenscapes, the

board found that “the evidence shows that Mia Shoes shipped

its goods to Ohio, knew it was shipping goods to Ohio, and lost

visibility of the goods once they were delivered to the customers

in Ohio.”16 The lack of sufficient evidence

and proof once again doomed this taxpayer.

Henry17 is yet another case of a

taxpayer who argued for a tax reduction by application of the

ultimate destination rule, but unfortunately did not properly

present evidence to rebut the tax commissioner’s audit

findings. This case involved an out-of-state gun manufacturer that

sold guns to distributors, some of which were in Ohio.

Citing Dupps  and Greenscapes, the

taxpayer argued that goods picked up in Ohio for delivery outside

of the state were not Ohio sales (that is, the ultimate destination

rule). In its decision, the BTA compared this case with the

holdings in Greenscapes  and Mia


In all three cases, an out of state producer shipped products

into Ohio, and the three companies knew the products were shipped

into Ohio. All three made the argument

that some  products were destined for locations

shipped outside of Ohio but did not prove how

many  or which  products were

transported outside of Ohio. Accordingly, we find Henry’s

argument meritless in light of Greenscapes 

and Mia Shoes. (Emphasis added.)

The taxpayer in Henry  submitted summaries of

reports as exhibits to its notice of appeal that purportedly

demonstrated an error in the commissioner’s calculation of

the Ohio-sitused receipts. However, as a long-standing rule, these

summaries and exhibits were rejected because they were not properly

authenticated at a BTA hearing. In fact, the taxpayer did not even

request a hearing. Authentication clearly requires more than just

appending exhibits to a notice of appeal. If the taxpayer had

requested a hearing, its summaries could have been authenticated as

evidence through oral testimony verifying the records before the

board and allowing the commissioner to cross-examine the witness

attempting to authenticate the records. However, the taxpayer did

not give itself that opportunity.

The taxpayer in Henry  also argued that some

of the information proving its case was in the statutory transcript

from the audit and the administrative hearing before the Ohio

Department of Taxation. The BTA refused to consider this

information, stating: “It is incumbent on Henry to establish

its right to the relief requested. Westlake Polymers v.

McClain  (May 29, 2020), BTA No. 2019-830, unreported

(‘It is not the duty of this board to comb through the audit

work papers to determine if they actually support the

appellant’s arguments.’)” While the taxpayer

in Henry  claimed to have proof of the ultimate

destination, none of it counted at the BTA level or was reviewed by

the board because of procedural missteps. Again, the lack of

evidence ruined the taxpayer’s position.

A final determination (April 23, 2020) and notice of appeal to

the BTA (June 18, 2020) involving Electrolux Home Products Inc.

provides further insight into the Ohio Department of

Taxation’s position on reconciling the holdings in the older

CFT cases with the more recent decisions

in Greenscapes  and Mia Shoes.

Based on the final determination in Electrolux, it appears that the

department will apply (or at least mention) the principles set

forth in Dupps  and House of

Seagram  in CAT audits. However, in

citing Greenscapes  and Mia Shoes,

and similar to the holdings in both cases, the department

determined that the taxpayer did not meet its affirmative burden of

proof to demonstrate that its products sold into Ohio were

immediately (or at any later point) shipped out of state. The

taxpayer argued in its notice of appeal that it maintained

sufficient customer records regarding the final (out-of-state)

destination of its shipments. But based on the information in the

notice of appeal and final determination, the detail and

specificity of that customer information is unclear. Evidently, the

tax commissioner did not find the information to be sufficient

during the audit process. It is critical to note that the

Electrolux final determination is merely an administrative holding.

This case will be important to monitor at the BTA and (possibly)


While none of these recent CAT cases has resulted in a favorable

ruling for the taxpayers (yet), they underscore the importance of

properly introduced evidence — which was nonexistent in all

of them. We know from these decisions that evidence must be either

stipulated by the parties or properly authenticated at a BTA

hearing. As evidenced by the discord between the taxpayers and its

positions in these cases, the department is unlikely to stipulate.

Thus, this begs the question: What types of evidence would be


The Question of Sufficient Evidence

Based on scant guidance from Ohio courts, the General Assembly,

and the Department of Taxation, it is not abundantly clear as to

what evidence would be sufficient regarding the final destination

of a company’s shipments. Clearly, however, taxpayers

desiring to accurately report their underlying CAT liability should

keep track of their products’ ultimate destinations to

support their Ohio situsing methods. Otherwise, they could end up

in the same position as Greenscapes 

and Mia Shoes, with no evidence and a

larger-than-necessary CAT assessment. Returning to the earlier

hypothetical example, how could SupplyCo use the final destination

rule to reduce the amount of underlying CAT it may owe?

The best evidence would likely be a paper trail of invoices or

bills of lading showing that specific tangible personal property

eventually left Ohio before reaching its ultimate destination out

of state. However, this level of detail may not be available and is

likely too voluminous and cumbersome to work through. Further,

customers may push back on these requests because of competitive

business concerns, privacy laws, or the cost of complying with the

requests. There may be ways to work through these concerns,

however, such as redacting sensitive business information and

customer names. To obtain sufficient, credible information that is

also practical, taxpayers could begin to work with their customers

to obtain spreadsheets or summary data on the products’

ultimate destinations.

While written records may be the preferred standard of proof,

they may not be the only way to prove the ultimate destination.

Without written records, taxpayers could seek written or oral

testimony from a customer that the shipments into Ohio are later

shipped out of state. Based on the BTA’s holding

in Loral, it seems that testimony that the property

was merely passing through Ohio before reaching its ultimate

destination would satisfy the taxpayer’s burden of proving

that the ultimate destination was outside Ohio. The recent Ohio

Second Appellate District Court case of Riverside v.

Patino, 2020-Ohio-4486, which involved tax deficiencies and

penalties, used and relied on an employee’s affidavit as

evidence. Hence, it appears that employee affidavits can be

accepted as evidence by the BTA and other Ohio courts, with the

level of credibility afforded to the affidavits decided by those


In the recent Defender Security Company 

case, the Ohio Supreme Court held that a combination of summary

internal corporate documentation and employee testimony would be

sufficient evidence to determine the location of sales for purposes

of the CAT. On the topic of sufficient evidence, the court ruled as


Defender presented summary documents showing its CAT payments

relating to the receipts at issue and then, at the BTA hearing,

presented the testimony of its corporate controller to verify the

summary documents in light of underlying records. Given

this, we see no reason why the absence of primary 

documentation should deter us from reaching the legal issues

when it did not deter the commissioner himself, in his

final  determination, from doing so without any

suggestion of a defect in the evidence. Thus, we conclude that

dismissal on evidentiary grounds would be inappropriate under these

circumstances.18 (Emphasis added.)

While Defender Security involved the sourcing of sales of

intangible property, the standards of evidence should remain

constant. This appears to be a much more relaxed standard than the

final determination in Electrolux, in which the tax

commissioner appears to be unwilling to accept the taxpayer’s

corporate sales records.

Taxpayers may also suggest a form of sampling or estimation

methods for determining the ultimate destination of gross receipts.

In fact, there is a judicial basis for accepting sampling methods

and estimates when absolute certainty is impossible. This is known

as the Cohan  rule. Cohan v.

Commissioner of Internal Revenue  is a federal tax case

regarding the deductibility of certain expense. In that case, the

Second Circuit ruled as follows:

Absolute certainty in such matters is usually impossible and is

not necessary; the Board should make as close an approximation as

it can, bearing heavily if it chooses upon the taxpayer whose

inexactitude is of his own making. But to allow nothing at all

appears to us inconsistent with saying that something was


The Cohan  rule supports the position that

estimates are acceptable when they are reasonable, and allowing for

no form of estimate (even a conservative estimate) would certainly

be inaccurate.

Could the Cohan  rule apply to the sourcing

of tangible personal property under the

CAT?20 While the taxpayers in Mia

Shoes  and Greenscapes  were

apparently unable to provide the information requested by the

commissioner, it is uncertain whether the commissioner would have

accepted an estimate in lieu of other items of evidence.

In fact, the commissioner already does permit estimation when it

comes to sourcing receipts to qualified distribution centers

(QDCs).21 In Ohio, some large distribution centers

meeting the statutory requirement of at least $500 million in

qualified property costs are granted the benefit of an estimation

method. There is a high cost of entry to obtain QDC status: QDC

holders must pay a $100,000 annual fee to the Ohio Treasurer of


QDC certificate holders use an estimation method to establish an

Ohio delivery percentage for their warehouses, which allows their

suppliers to obtain a reduced CAT on their Ohio shipments. The

theory behind this is the ultimate destination rule: The Ohio

delivery percentage equals the percentage of the cost of qualified

property shipped out of the QDC to purchasers in Ohio. This QDC

arrangement ultimately benefits the owners of the QDC certificates

because they (theoretically) receive better pricing from their

suppliers, which are subject to less taxation on their sales. This

all begs the question: Why should this benefit only apply to large

corporations that are willing to pay a significant annual fee to

the state? It seems that such a selective benefit could contradict

the equal protection clauses of the U.S. and Ohio constitutions

— which stand for the premise that substantially similar

taxpayers must be treated the same.

Take Action Now to Mitigate Tax and Penalty Risk

Most of this article deals with what businesses like SupplyCo

can do during an audit or appeal process. However, there are

proactive steps that companies can take to potentially reduce CAT

and associated penalties. For one, they can collect records from

their customers regarding the ultimate destination of their

products after all transportation is complete. Further, companies

could amend their contracts to require customers to provide

information on products’ ultimate destination.

If a company believes it may have overpaid CAT in past periods

based on its sourcing method, it may be entitled to a refund claim.

Taxpayers must file a refund claim within four years of the payment

of CAT on which the refund claim is based.22

Alternatively, if you determine that you have underpaid CAT in

prior periods, it may be beneficial to consult with a licensed Ohio

tax attorney to discuss a confidential voluntary disclosure.

Because of attorney-client privilege and the design of these

programs, a taxpayer’s identity can be kept anonymous until

proper guidelines are agreed upon. Further, a voluntary disclosure

is typically helpful in mitigating potential penalties and limiting

the number of years that the department seeks to go back. If a

taxpayer’s liability does not warrant or qualify for a

voluntary disclosure, then it should consider filing CAT returns

(even during audit) before any assessment is made to avoid

nonfiling penalties. The returns can be filed using the

taxpayer’s good-faith position and are not required to follow

the department’s position. If a taxpayer wants to avoid the

risk for underpayment penalties inherent in filings in

contravention of the department’s position, the taxpayer can

file and pay taxes based on the department’s position and

file a refund claim for the difference. However, note that doing

that can tilt the negotiation leverage in the department’s

favor if a settlement is the goal — because the agency has

the tax revenues in its coffers and the road to a contested refund

can be long.

If you are dealing with a pending case, consider the application

of prior CFT cases or the more relaxed proof standards expressed

in Defender Security. Moreover, if you do not have

access to precise records, consider applying

the Cohan  rule and prepare estimates of the

products’ ultimate destination.


1 This tracks with Ohio’s percentage of the U.S.

population, approximately 4 percent.

2 See infra notes 11 and 12.

3 South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc., 585 U.S._ , 138 S. Ct.

2080, 2089 (2018).

4 See Great Lakes Minerals LLC v. Ohio, No.

2018-SC-000161-TG (Ky. Sup. Ct. 2019), cert.

denied  2020 WL 5883297 (2020).

5 National Bellas Hess Inc. v. Department of Revenue

of Illinois, 386 U.S. 753 (1967); and Quill Corp. v.

North Dakota, 504 U.S. 298 (1992).

6 The more common term “sourcing” is used

interchangeably with the Ohio statutory term “situsing”

throughout the article.

7 Delaware, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, and

Washington use some form of gross receipts

tax. See  Janelle Camenga, “Does Your

State Have a Gross Receipts Tax?” Tax Foundation, Apr. 22,


8 O.R.C. section 5751.01(I).

9 O.R.C. section 5751.06.

10O.R.C. section 5703.58.

11 See Crutchfield Corp. v. Testa, 151 Ohio St.

3d 278, 88 N.E.3d 900 (2016).

12 Greenscapes Home and Garden Products Inc. v.

Testa, BTA Case No. 2016-350 (2017).

13 House of Seagram Inc. v. Porterfield, 27 Ohio

St. 2d 97, 271 N.E.2d 827, 828 (1971); Dupps Co. v.

Lindley, 62 Ohio St. 2d 305, 405 N.E.2d 716 (1980);

and Loral Corporation v. Limbach, BTA Case Nos.

85-C-914, 85-B-915 (1988).

14 Dupps Co. v. Lindley, 62 Ohio St. 2d 305,

308, 405 N.E.2d 716, 718

15 See Renacci v. Testa, 148 Ohio St. 3d 470, 71

N.E.3d 962 (2016).

16 Mia Shoes Inc. v. McClain, BTA Case No.

2016-282 (2019).

17 Henry Rac Holding Corporation v. McClain, BTA

Case No. 2019-787 (2020).

18 Defender Security Co. v. McClain,

2020-Ohio-4594, 2020 WL 5776005.

19 Cohan v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 39

F.2d 540 (2d Cir. 1930).

20 It is noted that the CAT is intended to use the

principles and definitions of federal tax law unless a different

meaning is clearly required. See  O.R.C. section


21 Ohio Admin. Code 5703-29-16; O.R.C. section


22 O.R.C. section 5751.08(A).

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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