Varun Drinks PAT jumps to 319 rupees if blocked barely

Gurgaron, Haryana, India, Aug. 2 (ANI): Varun Beverages Ltd (VBL), a major player in the beverage industry and one of PepsiCo's largest franchises in the world, increased after-tax profits by 123% to Im 319 on Monday April. He said he had reached 100 million rupees. June quarter of 143 rupees over the same period last year.

After the calendar year as a fiscal year, the company reported operating income (excise tax / GST deducted) of Rs 2,450, up 49% over the previous year.

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBITDA) increased 51% from 37.8 billion rupees in the second quarter of 2020 to 57.1 billion rupees in the second quarter of 2021.

Total sales were 152 million boxes, an increase of 45% compared to 104 million boxes in the same period.

The Board of Directors proposes an interim dividend of 2.5 rupees per share. The total cash outflow will be 108 rupees.

"In the future, demand and consumption dynamics should be further boosted by supporting macros such as improved vaccination rates, improved economic indicators and a good monsoon," said Rabbi Jipria.

"We are confident that we can report strong results in the coming quarters," he said in a statement. (ANI)

Varun Beverages PAT jumps to 319 rupees if blocked slightly

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