Panola District Court
A regular session of the Panola District Court will take place at 1.30 p.m. Tuesday, July 6th, at the Panola County Courthouse.
a. Record of Mary Sue Kiper's employment as a temporary worker with the Panola County Justice of the Peace, Precincts # 2 & # 3 effective June 28, 2021 through December 28, 2021 at an hourly rate of $ 15.00 per hour.
b. Record of Micheal Cureton's separation from Panola County Road & Bridge Department, Precinct # 1, effective June 24, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
c. To record the release of Kassi Orbaugh as a detention officer with the Panola County Sheriff & # 39; s Department effective July 1, 2021.
a. To accept and record a donation from Soil Cement and Green Rock worth US $ 1,169,650.82 from Rockcliff Energy for use by the Panola County Road and Bridge Department, Precinct # 4 at County Roads # 463 North & South End; County road No. 466; and county road No. 467.
b. To approve and record a request from Tanos Exploration to place 10-12 inch aqueducts within the driveway of Panola County Roads # 155 ž (North & South).
c. To approve and record a request from Pilot Water Solutions SWD, LLC to place a 6 inch line within the right of way on Panola County Road # 463.
a. Approval of the minutes of the meetings of the Commissioners ’Court held in June 2021.
b. Approve and document Budget Change No. 14 for 2021.
c. Received Certificate of Achievement from the Emergency Management Institute to complete the Introduction to the Incident Command System ICS-100 for Panola County Emergency Management Coordinator Thomas L. Earle.
d. To record the Officials Declaration and Oath Forms for Panola District Justice of the Peace, District and District Employees # 2 and # 3, Mary Sue Kiper.
e. Record of June 2021 fund balance sheet report for the Panola County auditor's office.
f. Record of June 2021 Treasurer's Report for the Panola County Treasurer's Office.
G. Approve and record the Panola County Investment Report for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021.
a. Approve and record a request to attend a conference form (s) for the following elected Panola County officials: Panola County Secretary Bobbie Davis; and Panola County Court with Law Court Coordinator Gina Goldman.
5. Approve payment of current Panola County bills as drawn up and presented by the county auditor.
6. Approve the payment of the Panola County's current payroll as drawn up and presented by the County Treasurer.
7. To hear a presentation from Beth Godsey with the East Texas Alzheimer's Alliance.
8. To discuss and act upon a contract between Thomson Reuters and Panola County for the Panola County Law Library.
9. In accordance with Property Tax Act, to formally appoint Holly Gibbs as Panola County Representative to calculate and publish the No New Income Tax Rate and Voter Approved Tax Rate for the 2021 tax year. (Property Tax Act 26.04)
10. To discuss and act to approve the placement of "NO THRU TRUCK SIGNS" for Panola County Road & Bridge Dept., Precinct # 1 at County Roads # 103, # 106 and # 116.
11. Discuss and implement Ordinance # 2021-01 amending Panola County Ordinance of August 5, 1985, hereinafter called Ordinance # 1985-01, which limits weight and rules and regulations for the operation of vehicles in and on the county – Roads defined by Panola County, Texas, maintained and made available for approval and approval terms for vehicles registered on maintained roads in Panola County; and providing for a Class C offense and an increased penalty for violations and disclosure; and authorize the district judge to publish the approved Ordinance # 2021-01.
12. Discuss and implement Ordinance # 2021-02 to establish and approve designated county roads maintained by Panola County, Texas as "No ThruTrucks" roads and provide "No Thru Trucks" signs; and providing a Class C offense and penalty for violations and disclosure; and authorize the District Judge to publish the approved Ordinance # 2021-02.
13. Discussion and approval of Stanley Asphalt Paving's proposal of US $ 13,200.00 for the rear parking lot to be cleaned, mended and covered with 2 ”asphalt scraps; $ 7,800.00 for W. Sabine side parking space for cleaning, mending and covering with 2 ”asphalt strips; and $ 13,700.00 for Sycamore Street (front) for cleaning patch and overlay with 2-inch asphalt and residual tripe.